Friday, February 27, 2015

Ill Manors: official website

Look at the Ill Manors official website (it shouldn't be blocked) and think about how it promotes the film and also how it links to other texts/platforms you have studied. 

Then, answer the following questions on your blog:
  1. How does the Ill Manors official website promote the film?
  2. What examples can you find of the Ill Manors brand on the website homepage?
  3. What links does the website offer?
  4. What examples of synergy can you find between the website homepage and the print/broadcast platforms?
  5. List the links to social media on the website homepage. Why are these important?
Complete this for homework alongside the rest of the Ill Manors e-media platform work. This includes the Tag London campaign and the social media research questions

In total, you need the following blogposts to cover the e-media platform:

  1. Ill Manors Tag London campaign
  2. Social media research questions
  3. Official website analysis
Due: 12A (Mr Halsey) due Friday 6 March (12C TBC by Mr Bush)

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