Sunday, March 01, 2015

Ill Manors: institution research

To finish our Ill Manors case study, we need to research the institutions behind the film and know exactly what organisations and companies contributed to the production of the film. 

Create one blogpost for all of these tasks. Make sure you find enough time to complete this - there is a lot to research and it will take you several hours.

Distribution research
  1. Research film distribution using this guide from the UK Film Distributors' Association. It's called Launching Film and takes you through the whole process of distributing a movie.
  2. Read the whole step-by-step guide (warning: this is LONG and will take you around an hour)
  3. Summarise the 10 steps of film distribution in a list using your own words.

Ill Manors: Funding and production budget
  1. What was the estimated budget for Ill Manors?
  2. Where did the money come from? List the different organisations and companies that contributed funding to Ill Manors.
  3. How did the Ill Manors budget compare to a Hollywood blockbuster such as Skyfall?

Film London and Microwave Film
  1. What is Film London and why does it exist?
  2. What is the purpose of Microwave Film?
  3. List three other films funded by Microwave Film and embed their trailers in your blog.
  4. Choose one film funded by Microwave film and explain how it compares to Ill Manors (similarities and differences)

Distributor: Revolver Entertainment
  1. When was Revolver Entertainment created?
  2. Revolver Entertainment enjoyed a lot of success with the UK urban drama genre. Find three Revolver films that fit that genre, embed the trailers from YouTube and write about why they were successful.
  3. Choose one film distributed by Revolver Entertainment and explain how it compares to Ill Manors (similarities and differences).
  4. Why did Revolver Entertainment go out of business in 2013?
  5. How is new technology changing the way films are being distributed?

  1. Visit the Gunslinger website and list the three films currently in development (click on the Slate tab).
  2. Research the Gunslinger/Revolver film Shank. Embed the trailer in your blog and explain how it compares to Ill Manors (similarities and differences).
  3. List other Gunslinger films that fit the UK urban drama genre. Why does Gunslinger focus on this genre in particular?
  4. Research the British social realism genre. How do Gunslinger films fit into the social realism genre?
  5. Why does the UK urban drama genre appeal to an audience?

One final aspect of institution is the certificate the film was awarded for exhibition. This is decided by the British Board of Film Classification.
  1. How does the certification process work at the BBFC?
  2. Think about the certificate of Ill Manors (18 certificate). What is deemed acceptable for an 18 certificate? What is the difference between a 15 certificate and an 18 certificate?
  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages for a film in being given an 18 certificate?

You will have lesson time to work on these tasks but you will need to complete this for homework. Due date: confirmed by your teacher.

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