Thursday, March 05, 2015

MEST1 mock exam: learner response

Hopefully you are developing your confidence and technique on MEST1 Section A and this is reflected in your results. There were some fantastic responses with really thoughtful analysis and excellent use of media language and theory. There were also a few that fell below the GHS minimum target grade and therefore will have to be re-taken after school.

Most of you will have a learner response task to re-write your weakest answer on your blog. This is designed to give you the opportunity to write a stunning, 12/12 perfect answer. To help you, the original question paper is here and the markscheme with suggested responses is here. Use these resources to see what the examiner is looking for and the kind of answers that will take you to the top level.

Complete the learner response for homework if you don't get it done in the lesson - due next week.

As ever, if you have any questions regarding the exam speak to your teacher and make sure you keep revising for the full mock exam (including Section B) after Easter.

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