Wednesday, November 25, 2015

12D Cover Work - Thurs. 25/11, p6

Remember the basic rules first:
  • Arrive on time - make sure you register with Mr Qureshi;
  • Stay in the classroom until the end of the lesson;
  • Work responsibly on the tasks set.

Carry out a textual analysis of the following clips (like you did for the Ford advert and the 'Little Britain' scene)...
  1. Graham Norton, BBC1 – Schwarzenegger (first 3 mins.)
  2. London 2012 – Bond/Queen (first 3 mins.)
  3. Some Girls – BBC3 trailer
For each one, provide detailed comments on your blog on the following:
  • Groups/place represented? How?
  • Dominant or alternative representation? Why?
  • Links to theory?
Also, don't forget the homework (due for Thursday 3/12).

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