Thursday, November 26, 2015

Year 12 cover work: Representation

Year 12 cover work for Monday 30 November:

Apologies, we're taking the Year 13 Media students to the BFI Reuben Library to research their Critical Investigation coursework. Your cover work is as follows:

Media Magazine reading and tasks

To continue our work on the key concept of Representation, you need to read and respond to the following Media Magazine articles. You can find our Media Magazine archive here and need to complete the tasks on your own blog.

There is an excellent article on the Female Gaze and how women are represented in advertising in Media Magazine issue 50. Complete the following tasks on your blog:

1) Go to our Media Magazine archive and open up MM50. Scroll to page 56 and read 'The Female Gaze: Rethinking Representation'

2) What is the article about? Summarise the article in 50 words.

3) What is the name of the film that has sparked this recent debate on body image and female representation?

4) How does the 'Female Gaze' in this article differ from the 'Male Gaze' of Laura Mulvey's theory?

5) What is your own opinion of the representation of women in advertising? Should the media carry more representation of 'real' women? Why does the media not currently feature size 14 women if that is the average size of a British woman?

6) Go to the website of A Perfect 14. Watch the trailer and read about the film. Write your own summary of the film and what it is trying to achieve.

1) Go to our Media Magazine archive and read the article on page 6 of Media Magazine 51 - Representation Old and New.

2) Summarise the article. For each section, write a sentence or paragraph summarising the key points. The sections you need to summarise are:
  • Introduction
  • Representations and the mass media
  • The how, who and why of representation
  • Another approach to ideology - the work of Stuart Hall
  • Representations and new media
  • An example - representing national identity in old and new media

3) To what extent are you aware of how you represent yourself online? Do you make conscious choices regarding, for example, what information and material to post to social media?

4) Who has the most power regarding representations in the media - institutions or audience? Explain your answer in detail using examples from the media.

If you do not complete this during lesson time, finish for homework - due Friday.

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