Thursday, April 14, 2016

Coursework deadline: Friday 15 April

Your A Level Media coursework deadline is Friday 15 April.

You need to submit the following before you leave:
  • A completed candidate record form to send to the exam board
  • A minimum of 12 pages of research and planning in your coursework folder
  • Printed copies of your Little Picturehouse print brief in your folder
  • PDF copies of the print work submitted to Mr Qureshi electronically
  • An exported video file submitted to Mr Qureshi electronically
  • A printed copy of your evaluation, 1.5 line spaced, in your folder
  • An electronic copy of your evaluation posted to your blog
You will have any Media lesson time on Friday to submit this work or can attend Media at lunchtime, after school or during free periods.

IMPORTANT: Do NOT miss lessons in any other subject in order to work in Media. This will never be requested or sanctioned by the Media department.

Good luck getting the work in - there is an impressive standard across both classes already and this could be the best set of grades yet!

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