Monday, April 18, 2016

Revision: MEST1 mock exam

Your full MEST1 mock exam is next week on Wednesday 27 April.

We've collectively produced some stunning coursework over the last few months and now we need to match that top-grade performance in the exam.

This mock exam will be in your normal Media lesson time so you will not have to miss any other lesson. Make sure you attend ALL lessons before and after your Media exam - I do not expect to hear from any colleagues with reports of truancy or lateness.

However, due to the two hour running time of the exam you may miss some of your break or lunch - but it WILL be worth it in the long run!

You need to be revising EVERYTHING you've learned in Media this year. These PowerPoints may help you:

Film Language unit

MIGRAIN Introduction to Media unit

MEST1 Section B - Film Industry / Ill Manors unit

Remember to look closely over your feedback and learner responses for previous MEST1-style assessments. You need to make sure you acting on your feedback and improving key aspects of your exam performance. And remember the most important thing for BOTH Section A and Section B:


Good luck with your revision - this is your last formal practice before the real thing next month. Take it seriously!

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