Tuesday, April 25, 2017

MEST1 PPE: learner reponse

It is absolutely vital you reflect on the areas to improve from your full MEST1 PPE.

Indeed, the most important aspect of any mock exam is making mistakes and learning from them. You need to closely analyse your performance across each section and question and identify specific ways you will improve for the real exam in two weeks. Create a new blogpost on your MEST1 Exam blog called 'PPE learner response' and complete the following learner response tasks:

1) Type up any feedback or comments from your paper in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).

2) Did you succeed in meeting or exceeding your target grade in AS Media? If not, how many additional marks do you need across Section A and Section B to achieve your target grade?

3) Read through the mark scheme. Pay particular attention to pages 6-9 that have anticipated content for each of the questions in Section A. How many of these potential points did you make? Did you successfully answer the questions? The original question paper is here if that is useful.

4) Which was your strongest question in Section A? Why did you do better in that particular question?

5) Which was your weakest question in Section A? Again, try and identify why this happened. Did you misinterpret the question? Did you run out of time?

6) Rewrite your answer for your weakest question in Section A. This should now be a detailed, three-paragraph, level-4 response.

7) Now look at the mark scheme for Section B. Did you cover all three media platforms? Did you write about three different films in your essay? (If you missed out your independent case study this is clearly an area to revise for the real thing).

8) Question focus in the most important factor for a top-level response. Did you use the key words in the question in every paragraph? Did each paragraph contain a topic sentence that used the key words from the question?

9) Choose one paragraph from your Section B essay and re-write it to improve question focus, examples and written English if applicable. Make sure it is answering the question

10) Read the Examiner's Report in full. For each question in Section A, look at whether you included the things the Chief Examiner refers to in the stronger responses. Did any of the problems identified with some answers apply to you? Be specific. 

11) Now look at the Examiner's Report for your chosen question in Section B. Did your response fit the stronger or weaker examples highlighted by the Chief Examiner? What could you have done differently to improve your mark for Section B?

12) Finally, identify three things you will do differently in the real exam in two weeks. These can refer to preparation, notetaking, Section A or Section B - it is up to you. 

Complete this during the lesson you are given your paper back and finish for homework if required. It is vital you complete EVERY LR task in full to ensure you are prepared for the real exam.

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