Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Revision: MEST1 exam

Your MEST1 exam is on Thursday 18 May at 9.00am.

We've all learned a lot from our mock exams and now is the time to put that into practice over these last weeks leading up to the real exam.

You need to be revising EVERYTHING you've learned in Media this year. These PowerPoints may help you:

Film Language unit

MIGRAIN Introduction to Media unit

MEST1 Section B - British Film Industry / Ill Manors / A Field In England unit

There's also plenty of other revision you need to be doing:

Check your MEST1 Section B index and revise all the work you've done on Ill Manors, A Field In England and your completed independent case study.

There are MEST1 Section B past questions to revise, plan and practice here.

*Bonus revision material*

As requested by 12C, here's a revision PowerPoint summarising key theories and terminology for the MEST1 exam

Remember to look closely over your feedback and learner response from your January MEST1 assessment and your full MEST1 PPE in March. You need to make sure you are acting on that feedback and improving key aspects of your exam performance - and remember we provided the mark scheme and Examiners' Report for both which give a brilliant insight into the mind of the examiner. 

One of the key lessons from the mock exams was the quality of our notetaking and whether we were making specific reference to the clip using media terminology and textual analysis skills. You also need to be writing enough for each question in Section A: a minimum of THREE well-developed paragraphs for EACH question in Section A. 

Finally, remember the most important thing for BOTH Section A and Section B:


Good luck with your revision - the real thing is approaching fast and all our efforts need to be focused on achieving our potential in the MEST1 exam!

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