Tuesday, May 16, 2017

MEST1 exam: final notices and resources

You should now be in the middle of your final revision and preparation for Thursday's MEST1 exam.

We've got a few final notices and resources to help maximise your performance in the exam.

Firstly, a reminder that you do NOT need to attend lessons on Wednesday afternoon and can spend that time revising for your MEST1 exam.

Secondly, you need to attend Media at 8.30am on Thursday in order to hand over electronic devices and be supervised by staff from the official exam start time of 9am. If you want to get breakfast in the dining hall first at 8am that is fine. You will then be accompanied down to the main hall at 10.30am after a revision session in Media.

Finally, we've put together some exemplar essays for MEST1 Section B covering the British film industry case study films:

This is the MEST1 Section B essay we wrote in class today (12C Tuesday) - looking at audience control. We also have an alternative exemplar for the same question that covers Spectre in addition to Ill Manors and A Field In England. Both of these exemplars contain plenty of critical autonomy - that crucial ability to engage with the question and offer a critical perspective in response.

Good luck with your revision - you are perfectly placed to do brilliantly in this exam to add to excellent coursework grades already secured!

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