Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Independent case study: peer assessment

Your independent case study is a vital part of your MEST1 Section B essay.

You should have as comprehensive a case study on your chosen film as we did in class for Ill Manors. This will mean you have a wide variety of media products to use as examples and can therefore tailor your answer to focus sharply on the question.

Today we are going to assess another student's independent case study.

On the main Year 12 blog page, click on the name of the student immediately above you in the link list. (If you're at the top, cycle back to the bottom of the list.) Look at their independent case study notes, research and answers and collect the following information in a new blogpost called 'Independent case study: peer assessment':

Name of student whose blog you are assessing:

Name of film they have researched:

Have they covered all three platforms? 

Examples they provide from print:

Examples from broadcast:

Examples from e-media:

Any additional, relevant information that could be used in an exam essay:

What similarities can you find between this case study and Ill Manors?

What differences can you find between this case study and Ill Manors?

Does this film have any similarities or differences with A Field In England?

Is there anything you can learn from this case study? 

What could you add to your own case study after today’s work?

Write ONE thing you will do as part of your MEST1 Section B revision as a result of looking at this case study:

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