Friday, October 13, 2017

12E Blog feedback and learner response

12E - you should have an email in your inbox giving you feedback on your MIGRAIN blog work so far.

In today's lesson you need to post a learner response to your blog feedback. Complete the following tasks:

1) Create a new blogpost called 'Blog feedback and learner response' and copy and paste ALL your feedback from the email - WWW/EBI/LR. Read your feedback carefully and discuss any issues with me if something doesn't make sense.

2) Complete the learner response tasks in your feedback email. If you're missing any work or have posted things to the wrong blog you need to start putting that right immediately. If you were absent for a piece of work you'll need to catch up over the weekend. You then need to write a paragraph answering the questions in your LR - this will be a reflection on your first few weeks of Media.

When you have completed your LR, you can work on the narrative blog tasks from Monday's lesson - this is due on Monday. Don't forget we also have an assessment on Monday so you need to be revising everything you've learned in Media so far this term.

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