Thursday, October 12, 2017

Media Awards - Tasks

Make sure you get your Media Awards ticket this week. It's an incredible event - a really positive celebration of the outstanding work that Media students produce, and the most glamorous night in Greenford! Dress to impress. And be there on time - Tuesday 17/10, before 6pm!

And, for Y12 Media students, it's the best preparation for your A Level coursework, which is why we're making it compulsory for you to attend. You'll be truly inspired by what you see; motivated to do just as well, if not even better; and get lots of ideas about how to put together an A grade production.

After the event, we want you to write mini-reviews of your THREE favourite films and to post them up onto your coursework blog for the final lesson before half term (Friday 20/10).

Don't forget to consider all aspects of media language - cinematography, mise-en-scene (CLAMPS), sound, editing - using as much media terminology as possible (don't forget to highlight keywords); and also consider the film's use of genre conventions, how it will appeal to audiences (including dominant/oppositional readings), its use of narrative structure/roles, etc. Essentially, you should be applying all you've learnt on the course so far.

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