Wednesday, October 11, 2017

12E Cover Work - 11/10/17: p3/4

A cover teacher will be starting off the lesson today but I'll be there at some stage to take over and check that you've been making progress so please get on with the following tasks:

1. Read the Film & TV Language: Sound blogpost (below this one) and make written notes on the key terms for your Media folder (which we'll be checking soon).

2. Scroll down to slide 31 of the Film Language booklet and work through tasks 1-4, posting up detailed answers to the questions on your blogs, amking sure you highlight key media terminology. The clips can be accessed at M:\Resources\A Level\Film Language\03 Sound clips on the Media drive. You'll need to ask Ms Quinn for headphones if you don't have your own.

Anything not completed in the lessons this week will need to be done for homework so get on with it!

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