Monday, July 13, 2020

End of term - lockdown links

Well done! You've reached the end of one of the strangest and most difficult terms any of us can remember.

Right back in March, I said that this pandemic is looking like something potentially as disruptive as World War 2 and therefore it's understandable we've struggled at times. It's really important we take a break and clear our heads and then hopefully we can return to school at something close to normal and have a great Year 13.

The only work you need to do over the summer is your coursework summer project. Here are the links you need:

If you've missed any of the work from the last few months then you'll have emails from your teacher telling you what needs completing. Here are all the links you need to the work we've done in lockdown:

Exam side

Coursework side

It's vital that if you're missing anything you get it caught up over the summer. Fortunately, the links above have all the lesson videos, notes and tasks that you need. I know we set a lot of work but it's all with one goal in mind - making sure you do incredibly well in the exams at the end of Year 13 and go on to a brilliant university or degree-level apprenticeship.

Have a wonderful summer and see you in September!

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