Tuesday, October 17, 2023

MIGRAIN: index so far

We are approaching the halfway point in our MIGRAIN Introduction to Media unit and need to create an index to ensure we are up-to-date on all work so far.  

Confident use of media language is crucial across both exams in A Level Media so it is important we are revising terminology and theory on an ongoing basis and making sure there are no gaps as the course continues. 

MIGRAIN index - Media Exam blog

Keeping an index of all your work is extremely good practice from a revision perspective. Not only does this keep the concepts and media terminology fresh in your mind but it will also highlight if you've missed anything through absence or any other reason. Your index should currently include the following:
5) Reception theory - advert analyses
6) Genre: Factsheets and genre study questions
7) Narrative: Factsheet questions

For your index, the text should link to YOUR corresponding blogpost so you can access your work on each key concept quickly and easily. This also means you if you have missed anything you can now catch up with the work/notes and won't underperform in assessments or exams due to gaps in your knowledge. Here's a guide to creating a blog index that I did in a previous year:

Important: your index is a great way to revise for your upcoming assessment and check you haven't missed any important content.

Media assessment

You will have your first Media assessment in the week after half-term. Revise everything we have studied so far on both sides of the course. This includes:
  • Semiotics: denotation, connotation, myth
  • Reading an image / media codes
  • Mise-en-scene and film poster analysis
  • Genre theory
  • Narrative theory
This is a great opportunity to see what real Media exam questions look like and test yourself in timed conditions. If you would like revision cards to help learn the terminology and theory then they are available for free from DF07 - just ask! 

Due date on Google Classroom.

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