Sunday, October 15, 2006

Kidulthood Trip

Don't forget that you must be at Ealing Empire Cinema on Uxbridge Road (opposite Ealing Town Hall) by 9.45am at the latest Tuesday 17th October.

You've been given your Kidulthood packs (with all the tasks you have to do in relation to the film) but if you lose them they can be downloaded from here. (So no excuses!)

Also, check out these relevant webpages...

Make sure you ask the director of the film lots of questions when you get the chance (a credit to anyone who's brave enough).

Then, after the film, as well as completing all the questions in the pack, please leave a comment about the film after this post. It must be a minimum of 50 words, it should be written in standard English, and it should evaluate the film's strengths and weaknesses (like you did for the student productions you saw...refer to film language etc.)

Also, give the film a star rating (out of five...five = excellent, four = v.good, 3 = good/average, two = poor, one = terrible).

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Media Awards Evening Tasks

Year 12s - you have a lot to learn from this year's Media Awards Evening. It's a fantastic opportunity to see what it takes to get a top grade for the Module 3 Practical Production (which is worth a huge 40% of your grade this year).

Hopefully, you'll leave with your head buzzing with ideas about what you might like to do when you get started on your production in just a few months time.

To make sure you get the most out of the evening you need to complete the following:

  • Read all the reviews in the programme booklet.
  • Choose your two favourite productions - one documentary, one fiction. If you can't remember, or if you'd like to see any of them again, you can do so by going to the GHS Videos 06 playlist on YouTube.
  • Post a comment to this blog entry - see the link below - in which you say what you think the best production was and why. Give specific details - credits for the ones that make most references to the key terminology you've been learning about film language (checklist below).
(You don't need to register as a blogger user first but you must make sure that you type your full name at the end of your comment so we know who's saying what).
  • Vote in the Macguffin Poll - Best Media Production 2006 - that is on the left of this page
  • Write a detailed review on paper for each of your two favourites - use the film review guidelines you received in September (for the competition you entered) and don't forget to comment on MCCAT (Media language, Conventions, Creativity, Attention to detail, Technical Proficieny)
  • For Media Language, make sure you cover...
cinematography/camerawork: composition, framing, BCU, CU, MS, LS, pan, tilt, tracking shot, zoom

mise-en-scéne: clothing, props, gestures, facial expressions, sets, setting (CLAMPS)

lighting: key light, back light, filler light; underlighting, top lighting, back lighting; low-key/high-key lighting

sound: diegetic/non-diegetic; on/off screen, sound bridge; parallel/contrapuntal sound, voiceover narration

editing: continuity editing, jump cut, dissolve, wipe, fade in/out, cross-cutting, paralleling, cutaways, montage, suturing (shot/reverse shot)
  • Produce a one page summary entitled: "What Makes A Good Practical Production"