Monday, February 12, 2007

Blog Comments

Each group needs to appoint one person to create a post title called 'Blog Comments' and to cut and paste the following to it. It must be posted to your group blog before the end of Tuesday 13-02...

1. What do you think of our blog?
  • What do you particularly like about it? What's especially impressive?
  • What could be improved? What's missing or could be added?
2. Based on what you've read on the blog (and maybe seen in test screenings in class) what suggestions do you have regarding what we could do to make our Practical Production really successful?
  • What other things could we include in the production?
  • How should we go about filming any remaining scenes or editing the footage during post-production (+ suggestions for music, etc.)?
Then it's the job for everyone in Year 12 to go to each blog, read through it and answer the questions above about each one (there will be sixteen for you each to do in total) as a comment on the above post. DO THIS WORK ON YOUR OWN!

The more detail and feedback you give, the more you are likely to receive and it could be very useful to you, especially as most of you are targetting your productions at this very demographic - it's like a perfect focus group setting. By the end, each group should have 50+ comments.

Also, by reading each other's blogs carefully you should get extra ideas about how to improve your work. The aim is for you to be inspired! Make sure you include your name with each post so you can be identified by the group concerned and Macguffin (who will be closely monitoring what's going on - no unfair negative comments).

This must be completed before Monday 26-02.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Test Screening Feedback

By the end of this week, every practical production group will have presented some of their raw footage and received feedback from their peers and the teacher. So before the half term holiday starts, every group must make a detailed posting on your blog (with the title above) outlining what you've learned from the process. Please cover the following...


For this first section, go through all your test screening feedback sheets and come up with an average grade for each aspect of MCCAT (the assessment objectives; what will ultimately determine your grade) based on these returns...

  • Media Language (A-E)
  • Conventions (A-E)
  • Creativity (A-E)
  • Attention to Detail (A-E)
  • Technical Proficiency (A-E)


Then make a list of all the positive comments you received on your forms, ideally breaking them down into the different areas the class were asked to concentrate on...

  • (cinematography?)
  • (mise en scene?)
  • (lighting?)
  • (sound?)
  • (conventions? matching audience?)
  • (miscellaneous)


Next, focus on any constructive criticism you received in the feedback, under the same headings as for the previous section...

  • (cinematography?)
  • (mise en scene?)
  • (lighting?)
  • (sound?)
  • (conventions? matching audience?)
  • (miscellaneous)


Finally, and perhaps most importantly, write up the suggestions and ideas about how to improve and what else could be added...

  • What else would you (or the target audience) like to see in this production? (scenes? sequences?)
  • Suggestions for post-production/editing (music? voiceover? cutaways? montage? cross cutting? titles? slo-mo?)
Please remember that all filming must be completed by the time we return after the holiday (Monday 26th February) as well as all logging of shots.

Failure to meet this deadline will mean you will be late to start editing (and there are only five weeks left when we return to do this) and you'll also get last choice in terms of which PC you get to work on (a nice new fast one, or an old slow one, perhaps even shared with another group?)