Sunday, November 23, 2008

12C2 Cover Work Thurs 27th Nov P1 Miss Holliday

Institution Case Study
Investigate a British independent film institution. Carry out a case studyinto its workings, using at least three different internet sources. (Include the urls in your posting). Find out:
  • who owns it...people and other organisations involved
  • a history of the has it developed or changed
  • the texts it produces...give lots of examples
  • institutional values...what is its remit
  • information about its finances & income...provide actual data
  • recent is it responding to the 'new media' age

Try to make this as detailed as possible, include images & logos etc. that are relevant, and make sure it has been written in your own words and not cut and pasted from other sources.

All work to be completed by Monday 01/12/08

Friday, November 21, 2008

13C1 Cover for Miss Holliday Fri 21st Nov P 5&6

Med 5 Independent Study Presentations (peer reviews)
Students to present their Med 5 work. Students to peer assess presentations and write a www and ebi comment for each focusing on relevance and range of research gathered/applied. Students should each be covering where they are currently at, what else they still need to do and what problems they are currently facing with their study. Homework: each student to post up their www/ebi comments onto their peers' blogs and of course to develop their study in line with feedback.

12D1 Cover Work Miss Holliday Friday 21st Nov P1 & 2

Film Poster Analysis

Study the images here and note how they have been analysed (images are also in shared documents on VLE if these are difficult to read).
Find 2 film posters of your own for British films produced in the last 5 years on a budget of less than £5m. Post the images to your blog and annotate (use headings and write up notes under each heading following the structure above using media language and key concepts). Once you have annotated both please analyse any differences between the two account for why these differences may have occured through difference in genre conventions, representation, target audience etc).
PLEASE NOTE: This analysis should be in the form of extended prose (NOT bullet points!). Students to stay in DF10 throughout the lesson to complete this work. Please all make sure you sign a register and give to the English office.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Institution Case Study

Choose a media institution that is responsible for producing one of the British trailers you've analysed so far.

Carry out a case study (#1) into its workings, using at least three different internet sources. (Include the urls in your posting). Find out...
  • who owns it...people and other organisations involved
  • a history of the has it developed or changed
  • the texts it produces...give lots of examples
  • institutional values...what is its remit
  • information about its finances & income...provide actual data
  • recent is it responding to the 'new media' age
Try to make this as detailed as possible, include images & logos etc. that are relevant, and make sure it has been written in your own words and not cut and pasted from other sources.
Then, carry out another case study (#2), this time into a different institution: "A British independent Film and Television production company" (i.e. not the BBC or anything to do with Hollywood, as it states in the brief). The company you looked at in case study #1 one may also have fulfilled this criteria, if so choose another one. The Wikipedia page on British Cinema is a good starting place.
This - along with the peer assessment work from yesterday - all needs to be completed for homework by Monday's lesson 19.11.08.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

12C1 COVER Wed 12.11.08 p6

Stay in the classroom throughout the not leave!

Task - Peer Assessment of Trailer Analyses

Select three trailer analyses that you all did for homework and that are up on your blogs (the most recent ones, in essay format on the Year 12 productions).  

Read them carefully and then carry out an evaluation of each one, just like we did in Monday's lesson for Kiran's. You need to cover at least three www and one ebi. These need to be posted onto their blogs in the comments section, after their analysis.  

Then choose one paragraph for each and re-write it (three paragraphs in total), improving on it by...
  • adding more detail
  • making the spelling/punctuation more accurate, 
  • writing more clearly, 
  • using more media terminology
  • including other missing key concepts or aspects of media language
These re-written paragraphs need to go on your own blogs.  Include a link to the original blog (and say whose it is) so we can compare fully the two versions but also cut and paste the original paragraph after yours in your blog posting so we can be sure you have made some aactual improvements.

Anything not completed in the lesson needs to be done for homework by tomorrow, Thursday 13.11.08, p1.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

12C1 HW - Trailer Analysis #3

You've already analysed a teen movie trailer and one of last year's practical production trailers (and these should be on your blogs...catch up if they're not!)

Next...analyse another
student-produced trailer from last year (for Monday 10.11), covering all the areas you did before (including the points you looked at on the worksheet you were given to analyse trailers on last Monday's lesson). This time, though, it must be written in essay format...look at Sadoon's as a good starting point, although this could be longer. It also needs to cover the new aspects of Media Language you've been learning about this week, so try to include the following terminology where possible...
Types of shot (BCU, CU, MS, LS, high/low angle)
Movements (pan, zoom, tilt, tracking, crane)
Diegetic (story sound, e.g. dialogue)
Non-diegetic (sound-track, voiceover)
Cut, dissolve, fade in/out, wipe. Pace?
Lighting (high/low key)
Actors' (expressions, body language)
Title - connotations?
Narrative - enigmas?
Genre - iconography?

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

12C1 + 12D1 Cross Media Study Research Task

  • Choose three broadcast fiction texts – a film, a TV series and a radio drama, show or series. The texts should be linked in some way.
  • Gather materials for analysis detailing how the texts are promoted – adverts, trailers, web pages etc. and post them on your blog.
  • Prepare a short presentation for the next lesson, outlining your chosen texts, the materials you have unearthed so far, explore the links between how they are promoted (similarities and differences) and the institutions that produced them.
  • (You may talk through your blog if you wish or produce a separate powerpoint but all links to promotional materials should be on your blogs also).

Deadline for 12D1 - period 6, Tues 11.11.08

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Cover work 12D1 Miss Sivanesen P3 and P5 Tues 4th Nov

'How is the opening sequence (first 5 minutes , including the titles) of a TV drama used to establish narrative?' Referring to at least 2 examples, of your own choosing.

Your answer should cover narrative and audience theories and MIGRAIN.

Minimum length 1,000 words (typed) in essay format.