Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cover Work (VAN) Th Dec 16 (single) & Fr Dec 17 (double)

Go to and view 3 times: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KU3G7EEFnwQ
This is a film trailer for London to Brighton.

Post your textual analysis of the trailer to your blog. Ensure that you have answered the following questions in detail (300 words on each):

Media Forms: How does the trailer use media language to estabilsh the film's genre?
Media Representations: How is gender represented in the trailer?
Media Institutions: In what ways is the film London to Brighton typical of a low budget British film?
Media Audiences: In what ways does the trailer promote the film to its target audience?

Due January 3rd 2011 on your blog.

ALSO, you need to independently research your three primary texts for the Case Study and be ready with brainstorming and good solid knowledge of your issue/area of study by the first lesson back (Thursday Jan 6th). You can show this brainstorming on the blog or bring it onpaper to class.

12C1 Self Evaluations

To be completed by 12C1 students by Thursday 16/12.


Write an evaluation of your progress on the Media course so far.
Post the work up on your blogs.

a. Comment on each of the following, giving yourself a grade with an explanation outlining why:

(Grading should be1-5: 1 = excellent, 2 = v. good, 3 = good/average, 4 = poor, 5 = v. poor)
  • Attainment
  • Effort
  • Punctuality
  • Submission and quality of homework
  • Ability to work independently
  • Quality of writing
  • Organisation of blog
  • Oral contributions in class
b. Make a list of three achievements (www) and three targets/areas for improvement (ebi) over the next half-term.

Monday, December 13, 2010

12C Cross Media Case Study HW - Due 4/1/11

Create a 5 minute presentation on one of your three primary texts for the Cross Media Case study to be delivered on 4 January 2010. You will need to refer to one primary text and at least 3 related texts over the 3 different platforms (broadcast, print, e-media)

Answer the following questions in your presentation:
How are texts in the three platforms constructed?
• Are there similarities and differences in the way the area is dealt with in each platform?
• What type of media language is used and how?
• How are genre codes used?
• How do texts within the three platforms construct narrative?

How do audiences access texts across the three platforms?
• Do the texts enable different types of audience activity and/or interaction?
• Are audiences able to play a role in the construction of media texts? (UGC)
• Are there differences in the audience gratifications offered across the three platforms?

How are representations constructed and are there similarities and/or differences across the platforms?
• What values and ideologies are communicated within the representation?

What institutional issues are raised by the topic areas?
• How are institutions reacting to change in technology?
• How are institutions attempting to reach and engage their audiences?
• What economic issues are behind the construction and distribution of contemporary media texts?

Keywords/issues: synergy, intertextuality, cross-media promotion, public service remit and other obligations, censorship & control, news and entertainment values, the technologies used in the production and reception process.

Post all your research to your blog and email your presentation to lwigley before the lesson on 4/1/10

Thursday, December 09, 2010

MEST 2 Film Pitch

For all Year 12 students...

Organise yourselves into the groups that you want to work in for your practical productions (remember that the maximum number allowed by the exam board in a group is four) and complete the MEST 2 blogs task (see posting below).

Look carefully at the following documents, making notes to help you...
Your first task is to prepare a film pitch (where you would try to sell your idea to Prime Time Productions to get the budget you require of £5m).

Prepare a presentation in which you can make use of PowerPoint, video, multimedia (Moviemaker) etc. to include the following for your pitch:
  • Overview of the idea (film treatment) explaining the genre of your film (its use of conventions, iconography, etc.); a synopsis of the narrative (referring to narrative theory, e.g. Todorov, Barthes, Levi Strauss); details of setting (mise en scene); characters (use Propp's character terminology, refer to stereotypes: challenged/reinforced?), etc.. Ensure you also discuss some film language ideas (cinematography, lighting, sound, editing) and employ competent use of the key concepts (MIGRAIN) and media terminology.
  • Explore fully how your film would appeal to more than the mainstream 16-25 youth market. Refer to audience demographics (gender, class: socio-economic group, ethnicity) and psychographics. Use Young & Rubicam's 4Cs.
  • Address what content is likely to be in this film that would mean the trailer could only be shown in cinemas showing films that have been classified as 15 or 18. Use the BBFC Classification Guidelines to help you.
Bear in mind that in order to make a meaningful trailer (where you condense the narrative using a montage of shots) you must understand the full narrative structure of your film.

After Xmas - on 4th January 2011 - you will pitch your ideas to the 'film board' to see if they consider your idea suitable for funding. You must all play a part in the pitch process!

Remember from here on in this is all about being CREATIVE, let's see the creativity start flowing now and not just have people reading from the whiteboard! Use this guide about how to prevent Death by PowerPoint, especially the checklist on slide 58.

To get an idea of how NOT to pitch a film please see the Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn attempt!

MEST 2 Blogs

For all Year 12 students...

In your production groups, set up a new blog that will record your progress in MEST 2 (Creating Media).

We expect this to help you because...
  • It will be a place where your group can suggest ideas, make decisions and draw up action plans.
  • As a result you will be clearer with each other about what needs to be done - how, when and by whom.
  • You will receive comments, feedback and peer assessment about your ongoing work from other groups, as well as reflecting on it yourselves - writing weekly progress reports, carrying out self-assessment by identifying www/ebi and next steps.
  • Over time it will serve as on online record of your achievements (the group's and yours, as an individual) that you can use as evidence of the pre-production work - research and planning - needed for submission to the examiner.
  • This will be monitored by your teachers and will ensure you are rewarded fairly when it comes to assessment.
  • It will be helpful to refer back to when writing your formal 1500 word evaluation (for the examiner).

Once the blog is set up you each have the following tasks to complete and submit as separate posts on your blog before Tuesday 4th January 2011...

  • A short outline of your project so far (obviously this may change but use info from the film pitch - above - you're also doing for homework).
  • Information about the research that you have done so far and the ideas it has given you.

Remember - every individual in the group must make their own separate posts. Also, make sure you include your name at the end of each one so you can be identified. And, crucially, make sure that one person in the group posts up the blog web address, project working title and group members at the end of this message so that a quick link to it can be added on this page.

You will be required individually to add to this on a weekly basis, to cover the following...

  • outlining the work planned and equipment to be used;
  • reporting on what was achieved;
  • reflecting on the outcome and whether it was different from what was planned and why.

It will also be expected for there to be photos and stills from your shoot and production as it starts to take shape...storyboards, still frames from the footage you've shot, print production drafts, etc.. The whole thing should eventually look like a big online scrapbook of your project that will culminate in the finished piece - uploaded and streamed into people's homes via the internet. Of course there will be credits, commendations and perhaps even prizes for the most committed and interesting bloggers.

Also, for homework, check out the MEST2 Blogs from last year (MEST2 CW Blogs 09-10) and the year before (12C1 Groups 08-09) that you can get to via the links on the sidebar to the left (scroll down a bit). In particular, look at the outstanding examples from last year: The Night Has A Thousand Lies, Screwed and One Step 2 Far; and from the year before: the group that produced the horror trailer, Obsession - all of these, understandably, got a grade A.

It's also worth looking at some Med 3 blogs from earlier years (when the specification was a bit different but where they still completed a video production). Particular good ones include Lost is a Reflection, Teenage Daze, Guilt, A Life of Grime, and Three Shades of Red. Get going!!

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Buddy Mentor List




Aftab & Farhan


Ramita & Kevin



Megan & Osman

Jehpal & Sonam



Bianca & Raminder



Lalit & Sivagowsi













































Monday, December 06, 2010

12C - New Moon Analysis - Due 13/12/10

Answer the following questions in detail on the trailer for New Moon which we analysed in class:

Media Language: What techniques does this trailer use to persuade an audience to see the film?
Representation: How is gender represented in the this trailer?
Audience: What target audience would be attracted to this film? Give evidence.
Institutions: What Hollywood values can you identify in this trailer?

Write at least 1000 words

Due on your blog: 13/12/10

12B - Trailer Analysis HW - Due 13/12/10

Post the trailer for your favourite british film on your blog. Then answer the following questions in no less than 600 words:

Which trailer conventions are present and what is their effect on the audience?
How does the trailer use media language (camera, mise-en-scene, editing, sound) to the establish the film's genre?
Who is the target audience and how do you know?
How effective do you think the trailer is in promoting the film? Why?

Due on your blog: 13/12/10

Thursday, December 02, 2010

12C London to Brighton Trailer - Textual Analysis HW - Due 7/12/10

Post your textual analysis of the London to Brighton trailer you completed in class to your blog. Ensure that you have answered the following questions in detail:
  1. Media Forms: How does the trailer use media language to estabilsh the film's genre?
  2. Media Representations: How is gender represented in the trailer?
  3. Media Institutions: In what ways is the film London to Brighton typical of a low budget British film?
  4. Media Audiences: In what ways does the trailer promote the film to its target audience?

Due on your blog 7/12/10

Year 12 Film Language Essay

For 12C, to be submitted on Tue 7/12...

Analyse a two minute sequence from a film of your choice (any genre: horror, thriller, action, comedy, etc.), using the media terminology you've covered in the Film Language pack (see below)...


  • Don't just describe the techniques but also analyse them.
  • Explain WHY particular techniques have been used - what is the intended effect on the audience?
  • Include other media terminology and other Key Concepts as well as media language.

  • Must be hand-written: TWO SIDES of A4 minimum.
  • Also type it up and post it on your blog.
  • Include the embedded clip on your blog if possible.