Hopefully, you'll leave with your head buzzing with ideas about what you might like to do when you get started on your production in just a few months time.
To make sure you get the most out of the evening you need to complete the following:
- Read all the reviews in the programme booklet.
- Choose your two favourite productions - one documentary, one fiction. If you can't remember, or if you'd like to see any of them again, you can do so by going to the GHS Videos 06 playlist on YouTube.
- Post a comment to this blog entry - see the link below - in which you say what you think the best production was and why. Give specific details - credits for the ones that make most references to the key terminology you've been learning about film language (checklist below).
(You don't need to register as a blogger user first but you must make sure that you type your full name at the end of your comment so we know who's saying what).
- Vote in the Macguffin Poll - Best Media Production 2006 - that is on the left of this page
- Write a detailed review on paper for each of your two favourites - use the film review guidelines you received in September (for the competition you entered) and don't forget to comment on MCCAT (Media language, Conventions, Creativity, Attention to detail, Technical Proficieny)
- For Media Language, make sure you cover...
cinematography/camerawork: composition, framing, BCU, CU, MS, LS, pan, tilt, tracking shot, zoom
mise-en-scéne: clothing, props, gestures, facial expressions, sets, setting (CLAMPS)
lighting: key light, back light, filler light; underlighting, top lighting, back lighting; low-key/high-key lighting
sound: diegetic/non-diegetic; on/off screen, sound bridge; parallel/contrapuntal sound, voiceover narration
editing: continuity editing, jump cut, dissolve, wipe, fade in/out, cross-cutting, paralleling, cutaways, montage, suturing (shot/reverse shot)
mise-en-scéne: clothing, props, gestures, facial expressions, sets, setting (CLAMPS)
lighting: key light, back light, filler light; underlighting, top lighting, back lighting; low-key/high-key lighting
sound: diegetic/non-diegetic; on/off screen, sound bridge; parallel/contrapuntal sound, voiceover narration
editing: continuity editing, jump cut, dissolve, wipe, fade in/out, cross-cutting, paralleling, cutaways, montage, suturing (shot/reverse shot)
- Produce a one page summary entitled: "What Makes A Good Practical Production"
aww i remember this work :)
I feel the best production was "payback".
This was due to the character's tense and scared facial expressions, which proved realistic for the horror genre.The music throughout the trailer, was parallel sound which therefore suited the conventions as the music proved scary, this resulted in the viewer becoming scared, the music was also non-diegetic as it was added after production.
Due to the low key lighting used, this created a creepy atmosphere in the house as there were dark contrasts. The setting proved realistic as many horror films are set in houses, which therefore complimented their trailer.
There were fast cuts used, which proved effective as the scenes changed dramatically, this had a big impact.
There were a variety of shots used, which proved effective, such as featuring close ups on the character's facial expressions to show their pain and also closeups on props which had importance and created shock, such as the creepy messages on the mobile phone and computer also the creepy hand. The long shot of the door opening created a scary atmosphere as the whole door was featured in the frame therefore resulting in the viewer noticing it open on it's own.
The typography proved realistic as they were illustrated in red which is a horror symbol for blood.
My favourite two productions would have to be 'Bullicide' and 'Take it to the floor'.
As i was watching i have to say 'Bullicide' was the production which really grabbed my attention. One of those reasons was I was extremely impressioned by Gurjot Saib, who played Balgit Dhillon. I felt his acting and role as the consistently bullied Balgit Dhillon was powerful and gripping and i really felt for him. Well done to Gurjot! Another reason this was one of my favourites was the use of cinematography such as the use of close ups really helped concentrate on Balgit and help the audience get an real insight into how he has been affected by the bullying.
My other favourite production would have to be 'Take it to the Floor'. One reason i enjoyed viewing this trailer was the use of sound and music. I felt that the choice of music really suited the trailer. The perfomace and dancing by Ramneet, Jay and co. was impressive and it really made it look like a professional dance film tralier. Also some of the techinques used was also impressive e.g. in the begining we could only hear a voice, this is a good technique as when the audience is viewing they are listening to a voice making them focus more as they have to listen carefully to hear what is being said. Finally the techniques used such as montage and writing during scenes such as 'Two dancers', 'one opportunity' helped back up what the film was about and made it realistic.
Chintan Barot
The best production overall was 'Payback'. I like the use of the Black and White shots as it helps create a creepy , mysterious and chilling atmosphere which goes well with the thriller genre. The parallel sound is also very effective as it is quite dramatic, which helps build up tension making the audience feel that something could happen at any moment.
Lastly , i really think that the Montage sequence worked well, as it doesn't give the whole story away, but makes the audience combine the images they see to give an overall impression of what they think the story could be about.
Tanya Loi
My favourite two productions were "Bullicide" and "Payback."
"Bullicide" to me, was the one that stuck out more than any of the other documentaries. It was a great mixture of emotion, really good acting and a real passion to create a documentary that would be memorable even when the evening was over. The use of (extreme) close-up shots worked really effectively in showing the distress the character of 'Balgit Dhillon' through his bully turmoil- and he definitely deserved to win the best male actor award! What was interesting to me was that it was quiet a long documentary compared to the others that we saw, but it still managed to keep the audiences attention sustained because that was the only doc. that people actually stayed silent throughout- I the effect of that doc on the audience speaks for itself!
"Payback" was the better trailer in the sense that it made full use of illustrating the horror/ thriller genre through the use of mise-en-scene, lighting and sound. The black and white shots worked well with the red typography and the parallel music reinforced the sinister message of revenge.
Vishna Solanki
my favourite two productions were 'bullicide' and 'life of grime'. I liked these two the best because they were the most interesting out of all of them and appealed to the audience watching it the most.
'Bullicide' was successful because the way it was shot and it followed the conventions of a documentary very well. it also seemed very realistic. the editing was really good as it seemed professional.
i liked 'life of grime' because it was a real documentary and it was not fake. this showed a lot of effort and planning was put into it. the editing in this was also very good. the shots were good too because the room where the MCs were MCing looked very small, though the camera person seemed to get get good shots and the lighting too was good.
Kirandeep Jheita
My favourite two productions would definitely have to be 'Bullicide' (documentary) and ‘Take it to the floor’ (fiction).
I felt that ‘Bullicide’ was a really successful documentary in that it captivated the audience within the first few minutes. The director made an effective use of BCU’s and CU’s in order to convey the main characters emotional torture highlighting the sensitive issue that the documentary aimed to tackle – BULLYING. Ls’s and shots in which the camera was held when running were also used which added a raw sense of authenticity to the documentary. Overall, there was some great acting in the documentary supported by suitable parallel music making the audience identify well with the persona.
I really enjoyed the ‘Take it to the floor’ trailer. It had some amazing choreography which was really effective. What attracted me most to the trailer was its contempary message involving Asians. Non-diagetic parallel music such as the theme tune ‘take it to the floor’ was used in order to make the trailer memorable. In addition to this, the trailer obeyed the conventions of other film trailers through showing short scenes of the movie and showing the title at the end so that the audience keeps on watching to learn the title thus creating more impact.
Rohini Bali ('',)
I think that the best production has to 'Bullicide'.It really looked like a real documentary as all the camera movements and angles were appropriate in conveying certain messages such as the extreme close ups on baljit's face in order to show his emotions. Also the part where the camera was held while running towards baljit was very effective as it made it look as if the viewer was running towards him. The voiceover and non diagetic parallel music helped make the documentary seem even more realistic hence i felt more sympathy for Baljit's role as being a victim of bullying.I'd say the best part of the whole production was Gurjot's acting-he made it look as if he really was having a harsh time and he really really desereved the award!
Sonia Kapoor
The best practical production was bulliside because even though it was longer than the other productions it still managed to engage the audience and keep them interested throughout the whole production. Also, the documentary included point of view shots which made the documentary even more realistic. Furthermore, the practical production followed the conevtions of a documentary which made it seem very professional.
Take it to the floor was also a good production because it included scenes of what is going to happen which helped the audience understand what it was about. Overall, all the productions were of high quality and well done to all the students.
Neelema Desai
My favourite two productions were ‘Take it to the floor’ and ‘Bullicide’.
‘Take it to the floor’ was a unique trailer about a female protagonist working towards a dream of becoming a dancer. What made it different was, that it provided an incite into a modern day Asian society, where teenagers have dreams and ambitions to fulfil.
The non diagetic music makes the trailer unforgettable as the theme tune ‘take it to the floor’ is used through out parts of the trailer, as well as diagetic sound where there is music playing in the background. Parallel sound has been used to suits the conventions of the trailer.
The lighting used makes the trailer look realistic as well the camera shots used especially the close-ups of the footwork and the use of montage editing.
‘Bullicide’ was a documentary that caught my attention because of how realistic it looked and how the consequences were portrayed. The use of Big close ups and close ups conveyed Gurjot’s emotions and his torment realistically. Parallel diagetic sounds were used also to make the audience captivated and focus on what is happening.
neema wadhia
I believe the two best productoins were 'Bullicide' and 'Take it to the floor'. these were the two productions that grabbed my attention.
'Bullicide' was the best documentary.It was very realistic,and i liked their idea of doing their production on Bullying as i belive that Bullying is becoming a major issue in many schools. the other reason why i really liked this was because the acting of Gurjot was excellent, it was very natural and it did not look fake at all. i liked the uses of BCU, we would find this shot, of Gurjot's face, they used this tehnique well, because the audience got to see Gurjot's facial expression ( the audience had sympathy for him). also this production followed the conventions of a documentary well, as they use of the hand hold camera running towards Gurjot, made they audience feel as if they are running towards him.i liked the way the voice over was done to.
'Take it to the floor' was the best trailer overall.I liked the music chosen, it suited the trailer. the dances by Ramneet and Jay really impressed me! i liked the use of the voice we heard in the begining and nothing could be seen, it made the audience concentrate on what we could hear.
Naziya Ali XX
My favourite two productions , would have to be " A life of grime" ( Documentary ) and " Take it to the floor" (fiction).
A life of grime really grabbed my attention. It gave me quite a good insight into the genre and what it is really about. It also developed my understanding of what sort of things are associated with the genre. Aswell as that it used a mixture of lighting, cinematography and editing .When the low key lighting and blocked out sound was used in the scene of the Cocaine dealer, it made it very clear to me what was occuring. This enabled me to understand that these effects where used to give a sense of secrecy and this idea of seperation from the outside world. The long shot on the estate where this documentary was set, informed the audience where the documentary was set aswell as showing us what the estate looked like compared to what was around it e.g. disadvantaged.It used Non- Diagetic and parallel music obviously associated with Grime. The documentary also informed that many of the stereotypes attatched to Grime are exaggerated and slightly untrue and it also assured me that if Grime became a Mainstream Genre this would be very positive thing.
I thought "Take it to the floor" was an excellent production as the dancing aswell as the music was excellent. The trailer appeared to be very professional and the Dance moves appeared to be as if they where profesionallly coregraphed and i was very impressed by what i saw. The sound used was non diagetic and parallel , this made it clear what sort of Music Genres this film was going to be associated with aswell as what type of Dances would be featured.The lighting was mainly high key throughout the trailer this suggested positivity and success.
Vivek Pun
i really liked this documentary bullicide it one of the best documentaries it really affected me how he's bullied and his attention details shows us that there are some people who really live like that they dont have any one to help them
it affected me aswell when they were shooting in close ups on his face so we could see how he's feeling, the lighting used was high key lighting in most of the parts
i really liked the documentary and im really looking forward to do my practical production and do a good one as this.
the actor played very good he looks like he was playing in real life
lamia hakiki
i think the two best productions were take it to the floor and bullicide. i thought 'take it to the floor' trailor had a good use of music. the trailor grabs your attention in the first few minutes showed which makes the audience want to continue watching it.
'bullicide' was another good production.the documentary shows an effective and emotive review on how the boy feels about the bullying he gets, we see this from his prospective which makes us as the audience feel even more sympathetic towards him. the music and camerwork used worked well with the scenes.
take it to the floor (trailer)
this was one of the best trailers becsue it really attracts the audience by the way it is filmed, this trailler was set also in a place which related to the type of the dance hip hop dancing espicially that scene which was set in the school's play ground in the wall there were grafttis that really showed that it hip hop dance
it also shows us that some people are reallky into thata dance or really like to be professional in that thing so they even forget about their traditions or forget to do hw.
the camera work was really good, they used mostly top lighting to show how they are dancing.
the music was parallel music because it matches with the type of dance it was parallel music.
lamia hakiki
i think the two best productions would have to be 'Payback' and 'Bullicide'.
starting off with payback. i enjoyed this trailer very much because it kept me interested right till the end. i think the music used went well with the camerawork. the digetic music was used well because it would create suspense. the cinematography was very good. the use of close-up showed the characters facial expressions really well. the way black and white was used in the camera work helped create a very scary effect which related back to the genre of it being a thriller. lighting used was very good. it helped create a very realistic effect. the effect we would get from this was dark, dull and gloomy.
'Bullicide' was a very good documentary showing us a deep insight on bullying and the effects it can have on somne people. 'Baljit' is a 15 year old boy who is being bullied everyday, this has been shown to us through excellent use of camerawork. the way 'Baljit' would tell his story was in an emotional way. we could tell instantly by his facial expressions that he isn't very happy. the music used was digetic and we all related to thsi well. overall both performances were very good.
i think that the best practical production of 2006 should've been bullicide.
firstly the doc had very distinctive documentary fetures like the camera dodginng about and the effect of the cameraman movining whilst talking to the victim (balgit). the bit when the camerman is running towards baljit in the shcool creates an effect on the audience as it uses pov shot. this makes the audience feel as if they are trying to catch up with balgit. it creates identification between the audience and balgit.
i also like the way the doc used close ups this portrayed the feelings and emotions of the victim of bullying eg on face and the scar on his arm.
furthermore the music and sound made the doc more realoistic as it used paralell music to show the audience the raw feelings of the victim.
s**t the comment above is jaspreet .s. hayers'
My favourite 2 media produtions of 2006 are : Bullicide & Take it to the floor.
"Bullicide" was an extremely emotional documentary which really enganged the audience and touched the hearts of many people.I feel bullicide's use of close up shots helped the audience identify with the main protangonist- Baljit.The whole theme and atmosphere of bullcide brings to life the fact that still in this society bullying is a big issue and if not dealth with can lead to the outcome of what baljits atttempted sucide did.
My second favorite production was "take to the floor", i liked this production because it make the audience- me,intrested because the whole theme us relevant and attracts people towards it.Not only that but overall it makes the audience laugh because its about overcoming the whole asian parents fiasco in which children nowadays are held back from doing as they wish.Because of the fact that parents hate them braking out of the sterotype of going to university and gettin them a degree.Apart from that the dancing was really exceptional which added to making the production one of my favourites.
X Amrit Birk X
I thought that the best porduction overall was 'Bullicide'. The reason being firstly the acting by Gurjot Saib which i thought was fantastic. Not only was his character delivered as a traumatised teenager but also someone who we could relate to with our own experiences..and also empathise for. The cinematography was also cleverly done, for this particular production the close ups of Gurjots face..especailly the close ups on his eyes was used to draw the audience in and make us empathise for the character. The shots of Gurjot talking to the camera was also effective as it felt as thought he was talking directly to the audience. The documentary was successful because it captured all the key points of a good production.
Simran Kohli
I thought the most affective production was “Bullicide”. “Bullicide” offers a sense of realism, which the audience can immediately relate to.
Although there was nothing special about the mise-en-scene in “Bullicide”. It stills creates a down-to-earth hard-hitting documentary, and perhaps its lack of mise-en-scene added to its reality. This is also a typical convention of a documentary, which shows that the directors of the documentary had researched the genre before hand.
Low-key lighting was the main type of lighting used in “Bullicide”; this was used to create a more realistic affect. The lack of colour for example blues and darker colours, were used to create an unwelcoming affect on the audience and caused them to feel uneasy.
The dialogue also used made the documentary also seem more realistic, this is because of the harsh language used.
Close ups in “Bullicide” were used a lot to catch the actors facial expressions, and at more tense times, big close ups were used, for example to show the self-inflicted scares of the actor. This created a dramatic affect and when the close ups were extremely affective it felt like a point of view shot to the audience, making them feel as if they are apart of the production. This is another typical convention of documentary, close ups of the speakers face and maybe other parts of their body. Also, the use of high angle shots made the victim (actor) feel venerable and therefore adding to the documentaries realism.
The sound in this documentary was also extremely important, this was because it added tension to some of the most dramatic parts of the documentary, for example when the actor attempts to commit suicide the dramatic heart beats adds to the tension. Most of the non-diegetic sounds for example, the voice-overs were used to make the production seem more professional. Also, a combination of music, voice-overs and natural sounds were used allowing the audience variety of sounds, making it more like a documentary.
sundeep kahlon
After viewing all the productions I have decided that the two which really caught my eye were 'Payback' and 'Three Shades Of Red'. My reason for saying this is because I felt that throughtout 'Payback' there was alot of tension built up with the use of different camera angles such as close-up's and long shots and also the use of sound helped to contribute to the effect that the director was trying to portray to the audience which was horror and suspense.
The reason that I chose 'Three Shades Of Red' was because of the subject it was based on which was image obsession. I think that it was very interesting to view an issue that talked about one of the most controversial issues of today. Another thing that kept me interested was the way the director used various shots and angles to show the different expressions of each character such as close-ups which helped us to identify with the characters as well as watch them. This helped to bring the whole concept into reality.
By Farah Khan
The best documentary was "Bullicide". i enjoyed this documentary as it was very emotional, and the audience was really able to identify with the character due to the close up shots. The background music was non diegetic and parallel, and created a much more emotional and moving atmosphere. The actor Gurjot Saib performed extremely well, this was also the main reason why i was so interested in the documentary, and even though it was much longer than most, it was able to sustain the audiences' attention.
The trailer which i thought was the best was "Take it to the Floor". This was a really original peice of work, in which the genre was completely different to the others, this really made the trailer stand out and look unique. The fast cuts, and multiple shots shown on the screen creates a fast pace, and keeps the audiences' attention. The target audience can also be identified through the background music, it was non diegetic and parallel to the context, this was also very appealing as most teenagers are interested in the music. The two main protagonists were extremely talented, and created an authentic look to the production.
Pooja Pankhania
hmmm my favourite production was definatly "Bullicide"...from the start of the production to the end it kept me hooked on even though it was one of the longest production i did not get bored of it... Gurjot has done a fantastic job n he definatly deserved the prize.. his character was played so0o well that the audience could feel its pain and felt how emotional he was... the use of media language was reallly ggooodd.. camera angles, sound, lighting, editing, cinematography was all well thought out and the group did very well!!! WELL DONE :D:D
i also enjoyed the narrative of the trailer to "take it to the floor".. good use of music and editing. the dancing was jus wikid :D this is what made the production even better !!!
xXx Manveer Basran xXx
My favourate productions were BULLICADE and TAKE IT TO THE FLOOR.
the production i liked was "take it to the floor"! good use of editing and the dancing was wikid!
my favourite production has to be bullicide. when i was watching this i could not believe how engrossed i was in it through out the duration. i was constantly gripped by it. the voice over was a useful device to help the audience identify with the situation of the boy being bullied. i must give credit to the actor as he was extremely believable and i could relate to him. as well as this, the cinematography was extremely good. the use of close ups during the interviews helped us really feel the emotion of the actor. as well as this i feel that not using music was a good move as the silent atmosphere suited the mood very well. in some says you can describe the silence as being parallel sound. all in all an extremely successful production and well deserving of a prize.
my favourite productions were 'Bullicide' and 'Take it to the floor'.
'Bullicide'was realitic and the audience could relate to it. the acting was good and powerful.the whole film had an impact on the audience. it used a variety of shots but the use of close up's
emphases the theme of bullying.
take it to the floor was grabbed my attention and i enjoyed watching it. the dancing was very professonal.The sound used was non diagetic and parallel.
Anjali lakhani
My favourite productions from the media awards night would have to be "Take it to the floor" and "Bullicide."
I enjoyed "Take it to the floor" because it reminded me of one of my favourite music film genres which is street dancing, other movies this production reminded me of were "You got served" and "Step-up." The storyline and the cinematography used in the production highlight its potential moral and also make it an enjoyable view for the audience. The use of camera shots and editing really complimented the vibe of the film, making it a smooth, slick production. As well as the fact that my cousin also appeared in the film as the dancing co-ordinater:)
"Bullicide" was the film that really grabbed my attention and had me in total awe. The way the directors used such an important topic and turned it into a real life reconstruction made me think even more about what really goes on in society today. The varied use of camera shots reflected on the roller coaster of emotions that the audience went through during the viewing of the production, and the fantastic acting of Gurjot Saib really made the film even more unforgettable.
The best two productions were 'Bullicide' and 'Take It To The Floor'.
'Bullicade' I think was a production very well done. The documentary kept me interested and had my attention throughout the intire production, it stood out and it was very relistic.
The acting was very good, well done to Gurjot.
The use of all the shots and scenes followed the conventions well and were very effective at appealing to the audience. A variety of shots were used including piont of view shots where the audience could view things through the victims piont of view, emphasising the effects of a serous issue.
'Take it to the floor' was obvously very appealing to many youngsters, the dance moves were incrediable!
Again, certain shots portrade many scenes well to the audience.
The editing was very good making the productionlook very proffesional. Good music was used throughout the the great trailer, making it more effective therefore appealing to the audience.
Baldip Atwal
In my opinion the best two productions were "Bullicide" and "A Life Of Grime". They were both documentaries. Bullicide was associated with issues people like us face today which gave it a more authentic feel.
Bullicide had a very professional feel to it. The cinematography was effectively used. They had alot of long takes where there was just a single camera following the action and they also had good a editing sequence when they found pills and alcohol spread around. Nother great feature of this documentary was the acting polayed the boy who was subjected to the bullying. The acting looked very realistic which helped us feel more deeply for the character. Some people may have been able to empathise with him which again adds to the realism. The voice overs in this were also very good as they came at important times in the documentary and made us focus on what was being said.
Take it to the floor i enjoyed as it was very gripping. The use of music was great as it kept me interested in the trailer at all times. Another thing that was entertaining was the dancing. Some of the dancing was great to watch and the concept of the movie was well revealed in the trailer.
Athar Mahmood !!
I believe that the best production was 'Bullicide' and following that "A Life Of Grime". Both productions grabbed my attention, throughout their running time. It didn’t bore me at all, it just kept us all locked in.
'Bullicide' was the best documentary. It was very realistic, emotive and captivating, and adapting the idea of Bullying was one of its key successes, as I believe that Bullying is becoming a major issue in many schools across UK.
Plus the directors showing a moral at the end of the day; that not to stay quite, tell someone like teacher or parents, if you’re being bullied, gave the documentary the push at the end.
The other reason why I really liked this was because the acting of Gurjot was outstanding and realistic, it was very natural and it did not look artificial at all.
By looking at the film language, the documentary was best in its cinematography, Mise-en-scene and editing.
I liked the uses of BCU, of Gurjot's face, which showed his emotions through facial expressions, and the audience building up sympathy for him.
I liked the way the voice over was done too, which helped us to jump from one scene to another, making smooth connections between the scenes, this was where we all focused to hear what had happened to Gurjot during the time the crew couldn’t film him.
Fades were really effective when concealed Gurjot committing suicide, by showing shots of tablets and the alcohol bottle, also supporting by the nice sound effect of heart beating, like shown he’s in his last stage, at hospital or so, aided towards the last unseen action by Gurjot.
Conventions of the production was followed well, as they use the technique of doing a live cam aspect, e.g. when cameraman Gurveer was running towards Gurjot, made the audience feel as if they are running towards him.
Gurjot’s outstanding acting and the crew’s direction, put together made this documentary, the best of all!!!
Hammad Khan
I think the best 2 productions were "take it to the floor" and "bullicide". I enjoyed take it to the floor because of the use of dancing, editing and the setting such as dancing in a club and in a dance studio. Furthermore, Take it to the floor relates to me as it reminds me of certain dance movies like "You Got Served", and as i enjoyed this movie, i would obviously like "Take it to the floor" as their dance moves are very similar.
I also enjoyed "bullicide", this is because the production explores an issue which is very popular in every school and the production is portrayed to be very realisitic. they also show how the person being bullied finds it and show the changes in his life since he started being bullied such as drinking alcohol.
Kunal Thakrar
My two favurite productions had to be 'bullicide' and 'Take it to the floor'.
The reasons for this is because bullicide used grea editing techniques to create a very realistic looking documentary.
However, Take it to the floor brought in a dance trailer and it was very eye catching both the trailer and the documentary followed the conventions of their chosen media and produced sik work.
The lighting used in Take it to the floor was what caught my eye as they used strobe lighting from the club scene but, also the lighting can be classified as high key but also natural lighting for many scenes where done in local areas which mad the trailer very interesting. The fast paced editing and the music contributed to the gripping effect on the audience. The cinematography used in bullicide created a suspenseful atmosphere, leading the audience into a world of gritty reality.
the mise-en-scene used created the whole effect of realism to the documentary.
In addition, Take it to the floor, uses continuity editing to convey a fast paced action packed trailer.
The music used in bullicide connotes all the different emotions of the protagonist Baljit.
My favourite documentries were "bullicide" & "life of grime". I felt "bullicide" was realistic & emotional and I particularly liked the way it was filmed and how realistic it seemed. The acting was realistic and helped the audience get involved and feel sympathy for him. "Life of grime" I enjoyed as it was on a real topic with real people which I felt I could use for my own documentry this year.
x Rabiah x
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