Monday, February 24, 2014

12E: Ill Manors print platform

Read the following print articles:

For each text, identify the target audience (demographics/psychographics). How is that particular audience attracted?

Then answer the following questions...
  1. What identifies that this is a print platform?
  2. Do any of the articles do more than entertain? How?
  3. Does this platform allow the audience to participate/contribute?
  4. What codes/conventions of print interviews are apparent in the examples?
  5. How is narrative used to tell a story in each text?
  6. What synergy can you find between this text and the broadcast examples we have studied?

Print platform: advertising

Find at least three different print examples (adverts, DVD packaging etc.) for Ill Manors. Post the images up on your blog and answer the following questions for each text:

  1. What are the key conventions that help you identify the print text?
  2. What design features help identify the Ill Manors brand?
  3. What examples of synergy can you find with the broadcast platform or other print examples?

Finish these tasks for homework - due next Tuesday (4 March).

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Mock Exam Revision - Section A

1. Revise all the key terminology/theories from the following...
2. Go back to your two Section A practice exams...
  • 'The Usual Suspects' 
  • 'Frozen Planet' 
...and read through them, checking for errors, reading the WWW/EBI feedback, etc. and then look at your LRs for each exam - they should be on your blog.

3. Do a practice exam  - on paper - under timed conditions: Watch the GTA 5 video game trailer three times, making notes under the four headings in between each viewing...
  • Media Forms: What codes and conventions does the trailer use to establish the text’s genre?
  • Media Representations: How is war represented in the trailer?
  • Media Institutions: In what ways is the trailer typical of the video game industry?
  • Media Audiences: Who does this text appeal to and what pleasures does it offer?
...then spend fifteen minutes answering each question.

Scan and upload your answers onto your blog.

4. If you have more time, practice making notes on any text(s) after watching a 1-2 minute extract of it three times...

Typical texts (it WILL be moving image in the mock)...
  • Adverts
  • TV programme extracts (drama/soap, news, game show, documentary, etc.)
  • Film extracts/ trailers (variety of genres)
  • Music videos
  • Video game extracts/trailers
Typical questions (make notes on each of the four sections)...
  • Media Forms: What techniques does the extract use to establish the text’s genre and/or engage the audience?
  • Media Representations: How is gender/ethnicity/age/disability/sexuality/a place represented in the extract?
  • Media Institutions: In what ways is the extract typical of the film/advertising/television industry and/or what values does it promote?
  • Media Audiences: Who does this text/brand appeal to?

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Plan B Print Texts: Interviews


For each text, identify the target audience (demographics/psychographics). How is it attracted?

Then answer the following questions...
  1. Why is this platform being used?
  2. Do the articles do more than entertain? How?
  3. Does this platform allow the audience to participate/contribute?
  4. What codes/conventions of print interviews are apparent in the examples?
  5. How is narrative used to tell a story in each text?

Friday, February 07, 2014

12D cover work: Monday 10 February

As you know, I'm out at the BFI with our Year 13 Media students this morning.

You need to continue working through the print tasks that we started last week - which need to be finished by Thursday. You can work on your Photoshop cover and double-page spread if you've finished everything listed so far.

Mr Babu will register and supervise you so make sure you maximise the whole lesson to get this work done.

We will be checking this in Thursday's lesson.

Good luck!

12E cover work: Monday 10 February

As you know, I'm out at the BFI with our Year 13 Media students this morning.

You need to continue working through the Ill Manors tasks we set last week - which are all due TOMORROW.

Mr Babu will register and supervise you so make sure you maximise the whole lesson to get this work done.

We will be checking this in tomorrow morning's lesson.

Good luck!

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Radio 1: Plan B Interview

12D, for Tue 11/2...

Write up notes/analysis for Radio 1: Plan B - Interview With Fearne Cotton, including the link to the text in your blog post.

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

12E... Ill Manors: the story so far

We have done a lot of excellent work on Ill Manors already with plenty more to come.

You should now have the following either on your blogs or in progress:

  1. 750 word film review
  2. Ill Manors trailer – questions
  3. Ill Manors: The Making Of – questions
  4. TEDx lecture questions: values and ideology
  5. Ill Manors music video: questions and analysis (ongoing homework due next week)
  6. Ill Manors Film Research: questions (ongoing homework due next week)

All six of these pieces of work need to be on your blog by next Tuesday and collectively they equal many hours of work. However, you do have Monday morning's double lesson to get up to speed if you're worried about finishing task 6 in time.

Good luck!

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Ill Manors Website/Plan B TV Interviews

12D, to complete for homework - due Thursday 6/2...

Ill Manors website

  • Identify/analyse the key features - Why are they included? What is their audience appeal?
  • How does the website make use of synergy?

Jonathan Ross interview and Soccer AM interview

  • Embed both clips on your blog
  • Identify the target audience for each text (demographics/psychographics) and say why 
  • Which channel were they broadcast on? Scheduling?
  • What is the audience appeal? What does he talk about in each interview?
  • How is Plan B (the brand) represented in each text? Similarities/differences?

Laurie Penny lecture - this Thursday

The Laurie Penny lecture has been re-scheduled for this Thursday lunchtime (6 Feb). You will be sent an invitation so you can leave your Period 4 lesson at 12pm to get lunch prior to the 12.15pm start in the Lecture Theatre.

The school is incredibly lucky to have such a high profile guest speaker coming in and as you know we are making it compulsory for all A Level Media students to attend.

Laurie Penny is a journalist, feminist and prolific user of new and digital technology to challenge widely held viewpoints in the mainstream media. She will provide a perfect introduction to two major topics for Year 13 - New and Digital Media and Feminism/the representation of women in modern media.

We will be taking a register of all Year 12 Media students so see you there!

Monday, February 03, 2014

12E: Ill Manors research task

Complete the following research questions to further develop our in-depth study of Ill Manors. Some of this will be building on work you have already done.

1) Research all the Institutions involved in the production of Ill Manors. List them with a summary of what their contribution to the film was.

2) How much did Ill Manors cost to produce (its budget)?

3) How was Ill Manors funded?

4) What is the target audience for Ill Manors?

5) Who is the main distributor of Ill Manors?

6) How was Ill Manors promoted using the broadcast platform?

7) Compare this with a big budget blockbuster. What are the main similarities and differences?

8) How does the trailer for Ill Manors hook audiences into the narrative and pose questions that the film will answer (Barthes: enigma codes)? Identify 3 ways/techniques. Use your notes on the trailer to help.

9) How does the trailer for Ill Manors balance plot and spectacle?

10) Think about the certificate of Ill Manors (18 certificate). Research film certification and outline what is deemed acceptable for this certificate. What is the difference between a 15 certificate and an 18 certificate?

This is homework but you WILL have next Monday's double lesson to finish this off.

Saturday, February 01, 2014

12D - Print research/planning tasks

In today's lesson we need to catch up with some research and planning for the print production. Complete the following tasks:

1) Find at least 5 magazine covers aimed at a similar target audience to E4 and embed them on your blog. For each one, pick out one cover line that is similar to one you could use in your own magazine cover (e.g. an interview with a celebrity that also appeals to your target audience).

2) Find at least one TV souvenir magazine cover and embed it on your blog - Doctor Who magazine is always a good option.

3) Produce an A4 sketch of your front cover including the key conventions you have studied and picked out of existing magazines.

4) Produce an A4 landscape sketch of your double page spread design.

5) Write a detailed analysis of this Doctor Who magazine front cover using the 12 key conventions handout we looked at a couple of weeks ago:

Use the lesson to complete this or, if you're filming, ensure it is completed for homework - due Thursday.

Homework for next week
In Microsoft Word, write the text for your double page spread feature. Plan it out carefully then write a headline, sub-heading and at least 500 words for the main article.

Due: next Monday

12E - Ill Manors music video

Your blog tasks today are as follows:

1) Embed the Ill Manors music video on your blog;
2) Type up the question and answer that your group discussed in the lesson.
3) Research the Ill Manors track and soundtrack album - Record companies? Sales? Music reviewers' response? Post the research on your blog - minimum of 350 words.
4) Read/answer (on your blog) the Ill Manors MEST 1 Section A style outline/questions. Spend a minimum of twenty minutes on each one. Highlight media terminology.

Finish for homework - due next Monday.