For 12C & 12D students...
Now that you've completed your Practical Productions, we would like you to reflect on the whole process. This will allow us to think about how you (and future students) can best be helped in the future. In particular, we need to evaluate the impact of using blogs when preparing for coursework.
Therefore, could you please answer the following questions as fully as possible, providing concrete examples where you can. Remember to put your name at the end of your posting so we can check off who has completed the task and reward the most detailed responses (credits at the very least). The deadline for completion is Monday 15th May...
1. How easy was it to set up your Practical Production blog and to get used to posting things on it? Were you given enough support in doing it? What other help would have been useful?
2. How did the blog help with your research, preparation and planning? Did the blog motivate you to do more and better research? How? Why?
3. In what ways was the blog a useful tool for keeping in touch and communicating with group members?
4. How often (honestly!) do you check the Macguffin blog? (Remember, it should be at least twice/week).
5. Was it useful being able to see and access everyone else’s research and planning through their blogs?
6. How do you feel about the fact that your teacher can keep a close check on your progress through accessing your blog? Is it too intrusive and controlling or is it encouraging and supportive?
7. How useful have the comments been that you received from…a. Macguffin, b. other students.
8. How would you evaluate the quality of your blog? What could you have done better?
9. Do you think you will get a better final grade for your practical production through having used a blog?
10. Which are the best three blogs? Why?
11. Do you think next year’s Year 12s would benefit from setting up a Practical Production blog?
12. Are there any negative aspects to preparing for the Practical Production using a blog?
13. What could be done to improve teaching and/or learning in future through blogs?
14. Are you happy that we are planning to use blogs for your 3000-word Independent Study coursework in Year 13 (that you'll be working on individually)?
15. Overall, are you pleased that we used blogs? Has it been interesting and enjoyable? Why? Why not?