Sunday, December 13, 2009

MEST 2 Film Pitch

For all Year 12 students...

Organise yourselves into the groups that you want to work in for your practical productions (remember that the maximum number allowed by the exam board in a group is four) and complete the MEST 2 blogs task (see posting below).

Look carefully at the following documents, making notes to help you...
Your first task is to prepare a film pitch (where you would try to sell your idea to Prime Time Productions to get the budget you require of £5m).

Prepare a presentation in which you can make use of PowerPoint, video, multimedia (Moviemaker) etc. to include the following for your pitch:
  • Overview of the idea (film treatment) explaining the genre of your film (its use of conventions, iconography, etc.); a synopsis of the narrative (referring to narrative theory, e.g. Todorov, Barthes, Levi Strauss); details of setting (mise en scene); characters (use Propp's character terminology, refer to stereotypes: challenged/reinforced?), etc.. Ensure you also discuss some film language ideas (cinematography, lighting, sound, editing) and employ competent use of the key concepts (MIGRAIN) and media terminology.

  • Explore fully how your film would appeal to more than the mainstream 16-25 youth market. Refer to audience demographics (gender, class: socio-economic group, ethnicity) and psychographics. Use Young & Rubicam's 4Cs.

  • Address what content is likely to be in this film that would mean the trailer could only be shown in cinemas showing films that have been classified as 15 or 18. Use the BBFC Classification Guidelines to help you.
Bear in mind that in order to make a meaningful trailer (where you condense the narrative using a montage of shots) you must understand the full narrative structure of your film.

After Xmas - on 4th January 2010 - you will pitch your ideas to the 'film board' to see if they consider your idea suitable for funding. You must all play a part in the pitch process!

Remember from here on in this is all about being CREATIVE, let's see the creativity start flowing now and not just have people reading from the whiteboard! Use this guide about how to prevent Death by PowerPoint, especially the checklist on slide 58.

To get an idea of how NOT to pitch a film please see the Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn attempt!

MEST 2 Blogs

For all Year 12 students...

In your production groups, set up a new blog that will record your progress in Unit 2 (Creating Media).

We expect this to help you because...
  • It will be a place where your group can suggest ideas, make decisions and draw up action plans.
  • As a result you will be clearer with each other about what needs to be done - how, when and by whom.
  • You will receive comments, feedback and peer assessment about your ongoing work from other groups, as well as reflecting on it yourselves - writing weekly progress reports, carrying out self-assessment by identifying www/ebi and next steps.
  • Over time it will serve as on online record of your achievements (the group's and yours, as an individual) that you can use as evidence of the pre-production work - research and planning - needed for submission to the examiner.
  • This will be monitored by your teachers and will ensure you are rewarded fairly when it comes to assessment.
  • It will be helpful to refer back to when writing your formal 1500 word evaluation (for the examiner).

Once the blog is set up you each have the following tasks to complete and submit as separate posts on your blog before Monday 4th January 2010...

  • A short outline of your project so far (obviously this may change but use info from the film pitch - above - you're also doing for homework).
  • Information about the research that you have done so far and the ideas it has given you.

Remember - every individual in the group must make their own separate posts. Also, make sure you include your name at the end of each one so you can be identified. And, crucially, make sure that one person in the group posts up the blog web address, project working title and group members at the end of this message so that a quick link to it can be added on this page.

You will be required individually to add to this on a weekly basis, to cover the following...

  • outlining the work planned and equipment to be used;
  • reporting on what was achieved;
  • reflecting on the outcome and whether it was different from what was planned and why.

It will also be expected for there to be photos and stills from your shoot and production as it starts to take shape...storyboards, still frames from the footage you've shot, print production drafts, etc.. The whole thing should eventually look like a big online scrapbook of your project that will culminate in the finished piece - uploaded and streamed into people's homes via the internet. Of course there will be credits, commendations and perhaps even prizes for the most committed and interesting bloggers.

Also, for homework, check out the MEST2 Blogs from last year (12C1 Groups 08-09) that you can get to via the links on the sidebar to the left (scroll down a bit). In particular, look at the outstanding example from the group that produced the horror trailer, Obsession - that, understandably, got a grade A.

It's also worth looking at some Med 3 blogs from earlier years (when the specification was a bit different but where they still completed a video production). Particular good ones include Lost is a Reflection, Teenage Daze, Guilt, A Life of Grime, and Three Shades of Red. Get going!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Film Language Essay

For 12C2 students...

Write an essay analysing a 2-3 minute extract from a film of your choice. There is no word limit but it must be at least 750-1000 words.

The essay must be word-processed and handed in on paper on - Monday 14th December 2009 - but also posted on your blog (with the clip as well if you get this from YouTube, but you could get it from a DVD instead).

Remember that spelling, punctuation, paragraphing, introductions, conclusions, etc. will all be assessed, as well as your ability to apply the key terms you've learnt from the Film Language pack. (Keep the pack close at hand when writing). You'll need to demonstrate your other learning on this course so far - covering MIGRAIN: the other key concepts. And use the keywords from the media glossary too.

It's not enough simply to describe the features being used; you also need to explain their purpose/effect on audiences...WHY has the director chosen to use a particular technique?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

12C2 h/w for Ms Jones

Answer the following 12-mark question:
What techniques does the opening sequence use to appeal to a weekday mainstream audience? Remember: those who are aiming for a grade at the top of Band 4 should apply some media theory. Due on Thursday, December 17th.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Case Study Intro yr 12

Prepare a presentation to outline your case study texts. Please include:
  1. Intro to the three texts you have chosen for your study. What links them e.g. is it genre, target audience etc.
  2. Why have you chosen them (this must link back to the purpose of the study).
  3. Find some primary evidence of how these texts have been promoted across the three platforms to esnure that these are suitable for a case study.

Remember that you can choose either TV or film texts or a combination. The key thing is that these texts must have been promoted, distributed and consumed across the 3 platforms.

You might want to consider a big Hollywood blockbuster vs a British Independent film and an art-house film or big US TV imports vs British produced TV shows etc.

DUE: Next lesson

Monday, November 23, 2009

Film Distribution

Using the following websites and research the following for next lesson.

  1. What genres of film have been most successful in recent years? Why do you think this is the case?
  2. What are this week's film releases and what genre do they each belong to?
  3. In what month, in the year to date, were the highest audience admissions? Why do you think this is a good time for distributors to release their films?
  4. When was the highest recorded cinema admissions in the UK recorded? Why do you think the figures are so low today in comparison?
  5. List the top 10 of the top 100 films of all time. What do you notice about them?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

12A1 cover P5&6 Mon 16th Nov Miss Holliday

Using the AS text books:
  1. Read the psychographic categories on pg62 and answer the questions at the bottom of the page for each of the groups.
  2. Read pages 64-65 taking notes.
  3. Find two contrasting magazine covers, one aimed at males and the other at females. How do magazine front covers use symbolic, technical and written codes to appeal to their different target audiences? Produce a 750 word essay (typed) comparing the interpellatoin of each magazine. Complete for homework - due on Friday in lesson.

12C1 p2 Cover Mon 16th Nov Miss Holliday

Using the AQA AS text book (from pg41) read the chapter on Media Concepts & Ideas and supplement your existing notes with any additional concepts/ theories. Use examples provided to help. You will need these for a test.

Friday, November 06, 2009

12C2 Cover Work, P3 Fri 06.11

Select a two minute clip from any feature film that appears on YouTube (obviously, choose one you like).

Embed the clip in your blog, and say where in the clip your analysis begins and ends (give exact timings).

Analyse the film language in the clip, taking into account the following...
  • cinematography (camerawork)
  • editing
  • sound
  • mise en scene (costume, lighting, acting, makeup, props, settings)
If you're unsure of any of these categories, use the film language handout pack to help you.

Please ensure this is completed for homework.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

12C2 Cover Work, P6 Wed 04.11

Stay in DF07 for the whole of the lesson (period 6). Work quietly and sensibly on the computers. Ms Holliday will be monitoring you...please sign in on a piece of paper and leave on my desk.

This work has to be completed by everyone by the next lesson (Fri 7th).

Select TWO film posters from the internet - ONE mainstream/multiplex film; ONE arthouse.

Post them up on your blogs and analyse them answering the three questions you covered when doing the film poster homework. Make sure you highlight all media keywords in a different colour.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Evaluations 10.09

To be completed by 12C1 students by Monday 02-11.

Your responses will be used to help write your Interim Reports and help us to plan a better course for you.


Write an evaluation of your progress on the Media course so far.
Post the work up on your blogs.

a. Comment on each of the following, giving yourself a grade with an explanation outlining why:

(Grading should be1-5: 1 = excellent, 2 = v. good, 3 = good/average, 4 = poor, 5 = v. poor)
  • Attainment
  • Effort
  • Punctuality
  • Submission and quality of homework
  • Ability to work independently
  • Quality of writing
  • Organisation of blog
  • Oral contributions in class
b. Make a list of three achievements (www) and three targets/areas for improvement (ebi) over the next half-term.


Write an evaluation of the actual course/teaching.
Please submit the work as a comment on this blog after this post. Include your name!

a. Answer each of the following with a grade (1-5), giving reasons/examples:

(Grading should again be1-5: 1 = excellent, 2 = v. good, 3 = good/average, 4 = poor, 5 = v. poor)
  • How well is the course organised?
  • How interesting is the content that is covered?
  • How useful are the handouts?
  • Have the lessons been well-paced?
  • What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?
  • How well has the course met your expectations?
  • Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve.)
  • Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?
b. Make a list of three things you like and help you to learn (www) and three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved (ebi).

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

12A1 Cover Work for Miss Van der Sanden P1, 2 & 4

Please see work set for 12C2 cover work set on the blog for 30.09 (analysis of the newspaper front page using all the relevant media language and audience or narrative theories as appropriate). Read this carefully and complete the task. Remember this must be in essay format, not in notes or bullet points and posted onto your blog along with the image. You have 3 periods to focus on this and the standard of work must reflect this amount of time spent on it. For homework then find a front page of a broadsheet newspaper (if you don't understand this term look it up in your media dictionaries) and complete the same exercise.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

12A1 Homework Film Trailer Analysis

Find a trailer for a low-budget contemporary (within the last 5 years) British Independent film, post it into your blog and analyse how it creates enigma for an audience through: mise-en-scene, editing & sound. Remember to use all of your key concepts and the application of narrative theory (e.g. Propp's Spheres of Action and Todorov's theory of narrative structure). Use screen grabs to assist you but the written content should be equivalent to at least 1 side of A4.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

12C2 Cover Work, P2 Mon 05.10

Stay in DF07 for the whole of the lesson (period 2). Work quietly and sensibly on the computers. Mr Babu will be monitoring you, and I may be back to check on you too....please sign in on a piece of paper and leave on my desk.

This work has to be done by everyone by the next lesson (Wed 7th), including the people who are on the English trip on Monday - no excuses!!

Watch a complete episode of Hollyoaks online. Everyone should choose a different one. Make notes while watching and then answer the following questions on your blogs...

1. Is it a linear or non-linear narrative? Is this typical of the genre? Give examples from other texts.
2. Is there an obvious protagonist in the narrative? How is it communicated to us that this is his/her role? How are we encouraged to identify with him/her?
3. What are the action codes? (The sequence of events that happen within the story).
4. What enigmas (mysteries) are suggested, developed and (perhaps) finally resolved?
5. What is the equilibrium, disequilibrium and new equilibrium?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

12C2 Cover Work, P6 Wed 30.09

Stay in DF07 for the whole of the lesson (period 6). Work quietly and sensibly on the computers. Mr Babu will be monitoring you...please sign in on a piece of paper and leave on my desk.

On your blogs, in essay format, analyse the following newspaper front page, ensuring you include ALL the key media terminology you've recently learned...

headline, caption, anchorage, connotes, polysemic, dominant reading, negotiated reading, oppositional reading, myth, signifies, myth.

The very best answers will also include direct reference to...

font, colour, copy, framing, composition, type of shot, pose, lighting, verbal language techniques.

Highlight each keyword you include in your answer - credits for those who successfully include all 20. If you run out of time please finish for homework (for Friday's lesson). Make sure you also post the image up in your blog posting...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

12A1 & 12C1 Cover Work Mon 21st September

Sign your names on a piece of A4 with class name and period to record your attendance and leave with the English office (DF11) then go to the sixth form LRA and continue with the following tasks:

a) Analyse the opening sequences of 3 films, each from a different genre) considering all aspects of the mise-en-scene.

Remember that this is not a scene by scene and moment by moment account of what you see. You must pick out some key images, lighting, camera movement/ framing, props, etc which signify what the genre of the film is, how the characters are represented, who the audience identifies with, what we think the likely narrative is etc (MIGRAIN) using relevant examples and the media language you have been taught.

Each analysis should be a side of A4 and work must be typed and printed off to be handed in next lesson. Work must be printed before you come to the lesson. Failure to do this will mean you will receive a detention. All work must also meet at least the standard set by your Minimum Target Grade. (Time spent on this task should be at least 4 hours).

b) You must each set up your own blog as follows.

Firstly sign up for a googlemail account. Once you have your googlemail address go to and set up a blog titled MEST1 then select a url address e.g. (check availability). You can then select how your blogpage will look. On the mediamacguffin homepage you will see the three yr 12 classes. Look for the blogs for your class name which you can see below (if on your timetable it says 12AMd1 then you are 12A). Click on the link that says comment for your class. In there leave your name and blogaddress and we will post up your link to your blog (once we do this there will be a permanent link to your blog in the left hand menu) which will be used for many homework/coursework tasks throughout the year. I will be checking that these have been set up on Monday evening.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Friday, June 26, 2009

'Representations of You' Yr 12 Homework

Create a 'mood board' which you think represents you as an individual. This should be at least A3 in size and could comprise any or all of the following, plus of course anything else that you think is representative of you:

  • photographs of you now, as a child, with family, on holiday etc

  • images of musical/ fashion or other interests

  • things you like doing/ eating/

  • things to do with your family/ culture etc.

There should be lots of different images so that we can get a good idea of all the things that make you who you are.

This is due for your next lesson with me.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Yr 12 Representations of Women in Advertising

Your task is to research the statement ' Does Sexism Still Exist in Advertising?'. You have been allocated specific decades in which to look at the changing face of the representation of women in ads (both print and TV) which will be presented back in the first of next week's lessons. You will then make an assessment about whether the regulations and changes in society which we have begun exploring have in fact meant a positive change for women's representation in advertising. Please also create a blog for this topic and post your findings to it.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Cover Work, 12C1, Period 1, Mon 11.05.09

STAY IN DF07...Don't leave until it's time for Ms Holiday's lesson.

MEST 1 Exam Practice
Media Forms: How does the extract follow the codes and convention of a music video?
(Analyse the media language used and compare to other examples in the genre).

Media Audiences: What techniques does the music video use to appeal to a tween/teen audience? 

Media Institutions: What does this text tell us about the media institutions involved? 
(Carry out some brief research on Island Records, and consider also the current state of the music industry).

Media Representation: How are the performers represented in this music video?

Start writing your 15 minute responses for each question.  This must be completed for homework and handed in on Wednesday's lesson...failure to do so will mean you staying late after school!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cover Work 12D1 Miss Holliday P1 & 2 Friday 24th April

  1. Sign a paper register and leave this with the English office please.
  2. Go to DF10 (computer room next to Mr Bush's office). You need to ensure that you STAY in DF10 throughout the double period. I have asked Mr Bush to look in on you.
  3. During P1 you should be using the notes you made on key concepts and theories that can be applied to your practical produciton and begin writing a draft evaluation. Please ensure that you are linking your points back to the requirements of The Brief. (Copy available on VLE if you have lost your own).
  4. During Period 2, using the Evaluation Mark Scheme, you should undertake a peer assessment of the evaluation. Make sure you are critical about your partner's work and give constructive feedback (EBI's).
If you do not already have a copy of the Evaluation Mark Scheme please go to yr12 section of the VLE (make sure you use the tabs across the top going from left towards the middle of the page) then click on the menu column on the left 'shared documents'. The document is stored here and you will be able to print off a copy. Similarly a copy of the brief is also on the VLE.

Homework: Complete a typed, first draft of the evaluation (1,500 words) for Wednesday 29th. You must print this out before the lesson. Work not handed in during the lesson will NOT be marked.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Summer Exam Important Announcment

The unseen text part of your MEST 1 examination has been confirmed by the exam board to be a moving image analysis. We obviously do not know the format so you must make sure you understand fully all the codes and conventions of the whole range of moving image formats and that you are able to analyse them using your media language and key concepts.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Yr 12 Mock Exams

Please note the following time for YR 12 Media Studies Mock Examinations

12D1 (SHE & BUS lesson time):
  • Tues 21st April - Periods 5 & 6 Case Study question
  • Tues 28th April - Periods 5 & 6 Textual Analysis
12C1 & 12C2 (HOL & JON lesson time)
  • Weds 22nd April Periods 1& 2 Case Study question
  • Weds 29th April Period 1& 2 Textual Analysis

Please arrive promptly for each examination ensuring you come adequately prepared with the correct equipment.

12CMd2 Magazine Article (Practical Production) Feedback Cover Lesson P1 Thursday 2nd April

Please all sign a paper register and remain in DF05 throughout the duration of your lesson and complete the following work:
In order to complete your evaluations (which we will do after Easter) you need to have objective feedback about your magazine productions on the following:

  • Do they follow the codes and conventions of the magazine for which you have produced them?
  • Is the narrative structure clear (does it make sense as a feature which serves the purpose of promoting your film?)
  • Is the language and layout effective in reaching the target audience?
  • Does it meet the brief?

Show your 2 magazine feature articles to at least 3 other groups and get feedback on the above.
Once you have completed this have a look at the mark scheme for the unit. What grade would you give it and why (consider the feedback you have been given)? What changes do you need to make to maximise your grade?

AQA Mark Scheme:

Homework: Type up your feedback summary and your own thoughts on the grade, based on the mark scheme, commenting also on any changes you are going to make. If you are unable to post on the blog you must print this work out and bring it with you for P1 21st April. Failure to complete the work will result in you being marked down in your coursework.

Yr 12C1/C2 Easter Homework - Exam Preparation

Exam Practice:
Using the techniques you have learnt about responding to the MEST1 Investigating Media Unseen Text answer the following four short answer questions based on the text (link below along with relevant background information). Remember each question is worth 12 marks and needs to include relevant media language, reference to a range of linked key concepts and relevant theories. Don't forget to consider all the information you are given in your response.

Media Audiences: What techniques does the opening sequence use to appeal to a weekday mainstream audience?

Media Institutions:
What does this text tell us about the media institutions involved?

Media Forms:
How does the extract follow the codes and convention of an opening sequence?

Media Representation:
How are people and places represented in this opening sequence?

Spooks Opening Sequence from Series 3, episode 10, broadcast on BBC1 at 9pm Tuesdays.

In addition to this work you should be reading the text book to recap on and develop your media knowledge (look on the left hand column in the yr12 page of the VLE for the link to the book which is stored by chapter) and revising for your exam.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cover Work Thurs 26.03.09

A reminder that you MUST...
  • Stay in DF07 or DF06 throughout the duration of your lesson, signing in on your PC sheet.
  • Ensure that a least one person from your group is editing at every session, every day (before school, lunchtime, and after school).
  • Show your work to EVERY media mentor AGAIN before the end of the week (Harmeet, Hardeep, Rajan, Ramone, Rupal) and then look out for their written feedback on the Media Mentors 09 blog.
12C1 (p1)
  • Continue working in groups on your second magazine print production.  This needs to be completed over the weekend and posted up on to your blog by Monday 30.03.  
  • Make sure it is carefully proofread, that it follows the conventions of a model feature (or several features) already published in another magazine, and that you have shown it to another group and at least one Media Mentor for feedback.
Homework (by Monday 30.03.09)
  • Make sure all of last week's tasks and homework are completed (see below).
  • Finish Print Production 2 and post up on blog, along with all planning/drafting (scan first drafts, post up the different images you were considering).
  • Continue editing Trailer.  You should have edited to at least the 90 second mark by now.  By Monday you need to be at the two minute mark ready for checking by me next week.
  • Each individual group member write two progress reports on your blogs (1. For Video Production; 2. For Print Productions).  What have you achieved this week (www)? What needs to be improved (ebi)? What are your targets or the next best steps you need to take next week (nbs)?
Remember...there is only one week to go until deadlines now!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cover Work Thurs 19.03.09

A reminder that you MUST...
  • Stay in DF07 or DF06 throughout the duration of your lesson, signing in on your PC sheet.
  • Ensure that a least one person from your group is editing at every session, every day (before school, lunchtime, and after school).
  • Show your work to EVERY media mentor before the end of the week (Harmeet, Hardeep, Rajan, Ramone, Rupal) and then look out for their written feedback on the Media Mentors 09 blog.
12C1 (p1)
  • Continue working in groups on your Empire magazine print production.  This needs to be completed over the weekend and posted up on to your blog by Monday 23.03.  
  • Make sure it is carefully proofread, that it follows the conventions of a model feature (or several features) already published in Empire, and that you have shown it to another group and at least one Media Mentor for feedback. Also, Mr Babu knows lots of tips and tricks about print productions and image editing so make sure you consult him this week too.
Homework (by Monday 23.03.09)
  • Finish Print Production 1 and post up on blog, along with all planning/drafting (scan first drafts, post up the different images you were considering).
  • Continue editing Trailer.  You should have edited to the one minute mark this week.  By Monday you need to be at the 90 second mark.
  • Each individual group member write a detailed proposal for Print Production 2 (can be any other magazine) and post up on the production blog.  You will discuss your ideas next week.
  • Each individual group member write two progress reports on your blogs (1. For Video Production; 2. For Print Productions).  What have you achieved this week (www)? What needs to be improved (ebi)? What are your targets or the next best steps you need to take next week (nbs)?
Remember...there are only two weeks to go until deadlines now!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Adulthood & Censorship

The lesson and questions which you need to apply to your case studies is now on the VLE as a powerpoint file. Please complete all questions for homework. Remember your case study is worth 40% of your exam grade!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Media Mentors' Blog

Just launched...
A blog that'll be updated daily by the Media Mentors where they'll provide feedback, tips and targets about how to improve your practical productions.
So keep checking back regularly to see what they have to say (there's a link to their blog on the sidebar too) and read their introductions that they'll be posting up soon too.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Magazine Article Titles

Post up as a comment your proposed title for your first print production article...

Monday, February 23, 2009

MEST 1 Questions to Use When Analysing a Text

1. What is being done by the soundtrack/ voiceover/ dialogue?
2. What sound and visual techniques are used to convey meaning?
3. What are the denotative meanings and connotations?
4. What is the significance of the mise-en-scene?
5. What are the dominant images and iconography?
6. What assumptions about the audience are made?
7. How might the audience react to the text?
8. How does the text appeal to the audience?
9. How do you read and evaluate the text?
10. Who is the target audience?
11. How do the characters relate to the genre?
12. To which genre/ s does the text belong?
13. Which generic conventions is the text using?
14. What are the audiences’ generic expectations are they fulfilled or subverted?
15. What are the major generic themes?
16. Who is being represented?
17. What is being represented?
18. Why is the subject being represented in this way?
19. Are there any stereotypes?
20. Is the representation fair and accurate?
21. What are the major ideologies, values and assumptions behind the text?
22. How are these ideas and values put across in the text?
23. How are characters shown and what is their narrative function?
24. What techniques of identification and alienation are used?
25. How is the narrative organised and structured?
26. What are the themes of the narrative?
27. How did the institution affect the text?
28. What is the institutional source of the text?
29. How has the text been distributed?
30. Who owns and controls the institution?
31. Is the text a public service or commercial institution?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Channel 4 Work Experience Opportunity for 14-19 year olds

Interested in working in the media? Then find out more with Channel 4's work experience programme. Check out the details from their 4 Talent website below or visit it yourself at for more details.

This is the first step in the talent pipeline. This year Channel 4 are offering 80+ work experience placements in London to help students find out more about working in the media industry. The majority of our placements will be within Channel 4, though we are collaborating with independent production partners to increase the opportunities.

Placements are usually for one or two weeks, within one or two departments and offer a variety of learning experiences across a wide range of areas from finance to website design.
Who's it aimed at and what are we looking for?

This scheme is for 14 - 19 year olds who are motivated, enthusiastic, passionate and hungry to learn about what it's like to work in the media. Just as important though, we look for people who are keen to get stuck into whatever needs to be done. People who aren't afraid of a bit of hard work! And we'll want applicants to show these qualities right from the application stage.

How to apply?
We are working with Education Business Partnerships (EBPs) who will provide full information to schools across London. It starts with two open days: one in January and one in April 2009. Each open day can take up to 150 students and will help them get a taste of what it's all about.
PDF download: April application form

Placements are limited and run on specific dates throughout the year so please check out our recruitment timelines before contacting us. Then what? To begin with, the experience and skills that you build with us will make a positive impact on your education. We also encourage you to keep a look out on the 4talent website to see what other schemes could be right for you - like Inspiration Week and the Generation Next Programme.

Camila - Work Experience placements in Creative Services and Marketing
"It was definitely busy, but I enjoyed the opportunities I was given and I was allowed to try different things. I would like to work in advertising even more now and this has definitely helped my career choices. Thank you very much for the opportunity, I loved it and learnt a lot about the industry and work environment."

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cross Media Study Half-Term Homework Year 12

Prepare a presentation on the first film in your case study. You need to address the following:

1. Textual Analysis – a content study of semiotic, narrative & generic codes and how these are used to create meaning in the text.

2. Representations (construction & reception) – stereotypes/ archetypes (consider contextual factors & textual/ narrative restrictions).

3. Promotion (within and across media e.g. -ad campaigns, sponsorship, product placement, merchandising, trailers, internet, newspapers, magazine & radio, gaming, mobile ringtones etc.)

4. Institution – who produced it and how this affects the text, distribution/ sponsorship / convergence, technologies used.

5. Target audience – primary and secondary audience (if applicable), how they consume the text, when and where they consume the text (consider downloads/DVD releases/ PSP’s etc). Differences in types of audience and how this affects reception across different media platforms (i.e. younger end more e-media focused, older more newspaper & TV focused) and their reception. Preferred/ negotiated and oppositional readings if applicable and other audience theories that can be applied to the text. Themes and values of the text.

Remember interim 2 is due for completion the end of the first week back and this will contribute to your grade.

Friday, January 30, 2009

12D1 Cover Work Miss Holliday 30.01.09

Students to work and stay in the room.
You need to complete your storyboards this morning. Remember they must include full references to camera angles, edits, dialogue, music, cameramovement. Once completed produce a shooting schedule detailing where you are going to shoot, when, equipment needed, people needed etc. and log this back to your shots so you know how long this process is going to take. The planning is what will make your production great so don't neglect this process! I would like to see all your storyboards before next Wednesday's lesson to approve them as you need to booking equipment out to begin filming. You cannot do this until you have pitched your ideas to me and had feedback.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Cover work Miss Holliday P5 12D1 & P6 (12C2)

Practical Productions
Students to register and stay in the room.
Using the storyboards students are to continue planning their productions. For both groups I will be expecting to see a finalised storyboard sequence for the whole 2 minutes of the trailer (including title sequences etc) in the next lesson. Remember storyboards must include camera movement, edits, timing of shots, mise-en-scene, dialogue, sound effects etc.

Cover Work Miss Holliday P1 & 2

Students to register and go to DF10. Students must not leave the room.
Use the following link

LO: To explore how media texts appeal to different audiences

Period 1: Read through the booklet in detail and summarise the information into a set of notes which you need to post on your blog. All the time you must consider how these concepts apply to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and your own case study text. Make notes on this.

Period 2: Get into groups of 4 and brainstorm ideas about how you would market the Harry Potter film differently for each of the following audiences:
  • Children aged 8-12;
  • Teenagers;
  • Adults 25 - 35;
  • Pensioners.

You must consider where you place your advertising to reach each of these markets (be specific) and what type of advertising / PR / sponsorship/ partnerships etc you would need to do. You will present these ideas back next week.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Evaluations 2

To be completed over the course of the next week (by Friday 16-01).

Your responses will be used to help write your Interim Reports and help us to plan a better course for you.


Write an evaluation of your progress on the Media course so far.
Post the work up on your individual blogs (not your Practical Production ones).

a. Comment on each of the following, giving yourself a grade with an explanation outlining why:

(Grading should be1-5: 1 = excellent, 2 = v. good, 3 = good/average, 4 = poor, 5 = v. poor)
  • Attainment
  • Effort
  • Punctuality
  • Submission and quality of homework
  • Ability to work independently
  • Quality of writing
  • Organisation of Media folder
  • Oral contributions in class
  • Contributions to your practical production group
b. Make a list of three achievements (www) and three targets/areas for improvement (ebi) over the next half-term.


Write an evaluation of the actual course/teaching.
Please submit the work as a comment on this blog after this post. Include your name!

a. Answer each of the following with a grade (1-5), giving reasons/examples:

(Grading should again be1-5: 1 = excellent, 2 = v. good, 3 = good/average, 4 = poor, 5 = v. poor)
  • How well is the course organised?
  • How interesting is the content that is covered?
  • How useful are the handouts?
  • Have the lessons been well planned?
  • What is the standard of the teachers’ presentation/subject knowledge?
  • How well has the course met your expectations?
  • Have the extra-curricular events been useful? (eg. Awards Eve.)
  • Has the Macguffin Blog been useful?
b. Make a list of three things you like and help you to learn (www) and three suggestions of things you’d like to see changed/improved (ebi).

Friday, January 09, 2009

MEST 1 Section A & B questions

The exemplar questions which will give you an indication of what is coming up for your MEST 1 Exam are now on the VLE in the Year 12 section.

MEST 1 Exam is a 2 hour examination consisting of:

Section A: Analysis of an unseen text through 4 questions
(15 mins viewing/reading time and 1 hour to answer questions)

Section B: Case Study
(45 mins to plan and answer the question set based on your case study)